Chapter 1- The Time Of Our Lives

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The quiet calm that blanketed the little town at the base of the mountain was oddly out of place. For the past ten years it was where the group of the loudest teenagers called home.

"More like young adults if they could act like one." Piped in a young mother of three.

"Oh come on Alice you know how that one kid's dad was, he'll grow out of it." Said George Thompson, husband of Alice.

As they talked, walking past their house was the group of four, Colten, a tall boy with long, messy, brownish hair that had once been blond hair, halfway to his shoulders, dried blood clinging to part of his bangs, with hazel eyes and a slightly tan complexion. To his right a boy the same height of Colten stood, the darkness outside making the boy's hair stand out being the white blond it was with the pallor skin tone he wore, his name is Tyler. Behind them were two boys, quite different from each other but never more alike, the dark haired boy wearing band merchandise clothing and a leather jacket, his name is Daniel. The other wearing casual dress clothes, with his hair light brown, cut short all over, his name was Ronald.

As the four senior bound high schoolers walked down the street at a hour of the night that most people would be sleeping at, you could hear the slur in their conversations, someone carrying on about how one of them won't say whether or not he has a tattoo where he shouldn't, clearly drunk.

"Hey Colten, I *hic* think you broke a new record for how many *hic* shots one can take." Said Dan as he hops off the short wall he'd been walking along.

"Nonsense," Said Colten "I've not drank a day in my life" Clearly more experienced at hiding his drunkenness then Dan

"Yeah, never drank anything that doesn't contain alcohol, isn't that right Ron" Ty added in with a chuckle.

"I don't know about that, he drinks a lot of water when he has hangovers." Ron said answering Ty.

"Ah come on give a man a break and follow me, we're having more fun than usual... Well except for the fact I've got a black eye to explain when I get home." Said Colten

The group walks on for a few more blocks then Dan walks off telling the others he'll see them tomorrow as he walks up his road to his house. Next leave is Ron, as the three pass his house you can hear classical music coming from the large living room. All that is left is Colten and Ty.

"Hey Colten" Getting Colten's attention

"Yeah?" I answer with a yawn

"Do you hear those sirens?"

"Oh is probably nothing, you hear it all the time on my road."

"Alright, well see you in the morning. Tell your parents thanks for the ride earlier"

"Alright, see you later Ty"

I began my walk with my hands shoved into my pockets, sometimes removing them to check the mark below my eye for blood. I had gotten into a fight a few hours before in the bar with a guy about six foot, buff, over which one of us caused the others drink to spill. Now that I thought about it, it was a stupid reason to get a black eye over. As I neared my road and noticed I couldn't see well I thought, "Great, first a black eye, now i'm going blind" but as I rubbed my eyes I noticed it was smoke. Everywhere it smelt like a burnt tree, but it was too much smoke for a tree. As I rounded the corner towards my house and stopped in place, there was no house, just a pile of rubbish with fire bursting up from it. The house I grew up in, the house my parents brought me home to after leaving the hospital, the house I left earlier telling my mother I'd see her when I gets home, the house the two young parents never escaped in time. Firemen and police swarmed the area for minutes before noticing the newly orphaned teenager staring into the wall of flames.  

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