Hurt, Abused and Karma

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~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

I was hiding in the corner of the garden, because my parents were looking for me. Whenever they payed attention or looked for me was because, they were either in a bad mood and needed to get the anger out on me. Or they just felt like beating me. I was clutching onto my bunny as I heard their footsteps coming closer. 

"Sora dear, come out we promise not to hurt you." My mother called.

I curled up into a little ball, and let my long white hair cover my face. I closed my eyes shut as I desperately held onto my bunny, and prayed they wouldn't find me. I had scares, bruises and cuts all over my small body from their abuse.

I felt someone beside me. I slowly looked up to see my mother and father standing there, with sadistic smirks on their faces. My father roughly pulled me up. He stared at me with a disgusted look on his face. I could tell I was in for a beating.

"Please father." I was cut off by him slamming me into the ground. My mother then picked me up by the neck, and strangled me. I tried desperately to get out of her grasp but couldn't. My vision became blurry from lack of oxygen. Before I could faint she dropped me to the ground. They both took turns in kicking, hitting and stepping on me. I spewed blood as they continued their beating. Just when I thought it was finished. My father pulled out a knife. He stabbed me in my arms multiple times as well as my legs.

They left me there, lying in my own pool of blood. I could barley see, or hear anything. There were black blobs in my vision. Then it began to snow. I liked the cool feeling of the snow on my blooded body. After about one minute of enjoying the snow I passed out.


I woke up to screams of pain, and shouts for help. I slowly sat up from the blood covered ground to see the main house set on fire, the house slowly crumbled to the ground. I saw dead bodies litter the ground. As I scanned the area I saw my parents dead bodies on the ground. I looked at them with no emotion.

"This is karma." I whispered.

Right after I said that two people approached me. One of them had sliver hair in a ponytail and had black eyes. The other had long black hair, and yellow eye, when I looked at him, he reminded me of a snake. They grabbed me and took me with them. As they were dragging me away I saw my brothers lifeless body and my heart shattered.

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