pain, fear and accepted

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  Shenshi Deon's outfit

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  Shenshi Deon's outfit

  Shenshi Deon's outfit

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  Aisura Hato's outfit

~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

I was running towards the training grounds sensei told as to meet at. I was tempted to ditch and not attend after the dream I had last night, but I couldn't because if I miss or fail this training session I will be sent back to the academy. I was now jumping from roof to roof, tree to tree. As I was jumping I couldn't help but replay my dream over and over again. Would I be able to function today, would I be able to give it my all, would I be able to look my sensei and teammates in the eyes, would they notice something was up with me, would they care?

I jumped down to the training ground to see everyone else there. They all looked at me and I turned away from them. I was not dealing with them right now, I couldn't deal with them, I not mentally prepared after last night.I was snapped at of my thoughts when Hiruzen sensei started talking.

"Okay let's begin, I will fight each of you one on one, and if you skills are good enough you will become genin if you skills aren't good enough you will go back to the academy. First up is, Aisura Hato."

Aisura stepped forward, he took a fighting stance facing off with our sensei. He ran up and he was pretty fast, he aimed a punch at sensei but he easily dodged, Aisura kept aiming hits at Sarutobi sensei, as I observed I felt he would be a lot better at genjutsu and as a medical ninja and sensing his surroundings. After a minute or two Hiruzen started fighting back. Aisura was completely hopeless now, her was being beaten to a pulp, and for some strange reason, i was getting externally worried about him.

"Aisura try and predict his moves and use them against him." I surprisingly said not relishing the words that came out of my mouth.

He turned to me and gave me a shocked look then took my advice, however it didn't do much. In no time at all, he was leaning against a tree beside me and Senshi. I look down at him to do an assessment of his wounds and nothing was serious just a few scraps and busies, he should be fine in a day or two.

"Next is Shenshi Deon." Sensei voice boomed.

She stepped up at looked  Hiruzen strait in the eyes, she began doing multiple jutsus but sensei simple neutralised them. As I watched it seemed she would be a lot better with taijutsu and using her brute force and putting chakra into her feet and hands to make the force of her hits stronger. Just like with Aisura sensei was on the defense but soon he started to attack her, she was struggling and I couldn't help but give her tips as well.

"Shenshi, do what comes naturally to you don't do attacks that don't feel right." i suggested to her.  

And surprising she did what I suggested, she did get a bit better when she was using taijutsu but senseis raised his attacks, and soon Shenshi was sitting next to Aisura, I looked down at her wounds and they were a lot like Aisura's.

"Sora Hisha you're up," Hiruzen stated.

I walked up and looked him in the eyes then what he said in my nightmare replayed in my head and I couldn't help but cringe slightly. I took a deep breath and took a fighting stance.

~~~~Hiruzen pov~~~~ 

I noticed something was up with Sora, she seemed out of if, she slightly cringed when she met my gaze, but she tried to compose herself and took a fighting stance. she ran at me and her moves were sloppy, she was usually a lot faster and smooth with her movements, and a lot more accurate but she was not any of that now, what was on her mind? She hasn't been able to look at any of us today without looking away imminently.

Truthfully I was very impressed with her, she was able to help her teammates fight me better, and she generally seemed to be worried about them. I decide to fight back now, and she couldn't defend herself at all, i got a glimpse at her eyes and they were full of sadness and pain that i haven't seen so potent since she first came to the village. It seemed like she could cry at any given moment.

I was about to kick her stomach when it was blocked by Shenshi, and Aisura rushed over to Sora and helped her up, I couldn't help but give a small smile at their protectiveness of her, I guess they both kinda saw her as a young sister, considering they were both 13 and Sora was 12. I watched as the scene played out.

~~~~Shenshi's pov~~~~

me and Aisura were watching Sora fight and we could imminently tell that something was up she was being sloppy, and when sensei started to fight back she couldn't defend herself, and when we saw her eyes we both got worried, it looked like she was about to cry, and ready to give up on life. Sensei was about to kick her but we stopped him I blocked his kick while Aisura ran up to help her.

~~~~Aisura's pov~~~~

I ran up to Sora and leaned her on a tree, i gave her a once-over and she seemed fine physically, except a few scraps and bruises, what I was mainly worried about was her mental state, she seemed so broken, like she didn't want to live anymore, i touched her shoulder and she  pulled away.

"Sora what's wrong?" I asked in a soft tone. 

"just back off, Why did you two help me anyway, it's not like you actually care just let me die." she snapped back.

My eyes widened in shock from her words I couldn't find any words to say, so Shenshi did.

"We helped because even if you don't know it, we see you as a friend, a sister, and we don't let our friends get hurt without doing anything, we will protect you and  help you, we wanna know or your troubles and pain, we want to be here for you and we will be here for you, so come to us if you ever need anything, because it would cause us a lot of pain seeing you get hurt and knowing we could have done something. Just let us in, we wanna show you that you can trust." She looked at Sora with soft eyes and a small, sad smile. Sora looked at us shocked but gave us a small smile.

"I hate to break up this sentimental moment and all, but I think you should know you all pass," Sensei said, and we all cheered.

~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

after sensei said we passed we all cheered. I for once was happy, knowing these people might actually care for me, and that warmed my heart.

"Maybe I could trust these people?" I thought.

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