In the hospital, again

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My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the bright light. I cringe then I heard soft breathing beside me. I turned my head to see Shikamaru asleep on a chair next to my hospital bed. I looked to the door when I heard someone open it and saw the old man.

"It looks like you awake." He said quietly as to not wake up the Nara.

"Yep, how long have I been out." I asked my eyes occasionally being drawn to Shikamaru.

"About 5 days, the doctor say you seem completely fine like nothing happened." The old man said a little confused.

"It happened because I don't know how to control my kekkei genkai. Wait more importantly how are Shenshi and Aisura!?" I asked kinda worried about them. And in doing that I nearly woke up the Nara.

"Their fine, they'll be able to leave the hospital in 3 days. However they will not be going onto the third stage if the chunin exam. And about you I will be training you when I can, and we'll be working on your kekkei genkai." The old man said and I nodded.

"Okay when do we start training sensei?" I asked.

"Tomorrow when you get out and when I can't train you I'll asked the other senseis if they can." He explained.

"Okay, thank you Sarutobi sensei." I thanked and he left the room.

I turned my attention back to the sleeping Nara and questions filled my head. I wonder if he get tired of sleeping. How much does he sleep in one day. Why is he so lazy. How the hell did he get so good at shoji. How can he be so smart when he's so lazy. I wonder if he has a crush on someone. Is his hair natural like that, or does he use hair gel. I wonder if his hair feels spiky or soft. What does his hair look like when it's down. And without noticing it I went to go touch his hair. However a hand snapped stopped me.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a sleepy tone.

Dam he's hot when he just wakes up, wait what!? No stop.

"I wanted to touch your hair." I said in a a monotone voice.

"Troublesome women." He grumbled as he moved my hand away.

"Why are you here Nara?" I asked.

"To check on you, I was... you know you worried a lot of people right." She said

"Really like who? Who would be worried about someone like me?" I asked not expecting answer.

"A few people actually. When your teammates found out they snuck out of their hospital room multiple times just to come see you. My team came to check on you everyday, my parents came to check on you, and the hokage was one of the most worried people he came to check on you multiple times a day despite his work as the hokage." Shikamaru summed up.

I was shocked to say the least, that many people were worried about me. The nurse came in and Shikamaru left when she did. She gave me a quick check up.

"Is that boy you boyfriend?" The nurse asked.

"No why would you think that." I asked a slight blush across my face.

"Oh really, well he must really care for you, he's been here all through the visiting hours." She said which shocked me.

Why, why would he spend that much time on the hospital. What a strange person.

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