the confession

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I was sitting up in the tree at the training grounds. I was reading my book while waiting for my sensei. I was up to the 4th book out of 15 books. I've read about the basics. Well this is gonna be extremely hard to get a hold of  if what the books say are right. I put my book away when I felt sensei coming. I looked into the clearing to see him standing there. I decided to start this training session off with attacking him. I pulled out a kunai and concealed my chakra. I lunged at sensei only to be hit to the ground by him. I looked up to see him smiling and a groan escaped my mouth.

"That was well done Sora, however you need to work on being a little more quiet when moving around. But I must say you're getting very strong." Sensei praised. "Now you will be going up against another snow ninja, his name is Takumi, he's the teammate of the girl you fought in the preliminary round." sensei said. 

I nodded. So I would be going against another snow ninja. I saw a fist coming towards me and I blocked it. I looked up and the old man pulled his fist away. I grumbled at him and we began warms up, so stretching and running a few laps around the village. When we got back to the clearing we began our training. I tried to use my kekkei genkie however it was hard, and sensei not knowing to much about it could only do so much to help. I mean he couldn't really help because he didn't really know how to use the element that it used. However I was very slowly getting the hang of some of the basics.

We ended and I was on the ground panting, that was tough. I mean I've done tough training before but that could never measure up to what I just did. I was beat, I didn't even think I could move.

"You have 10 seconds to get up if you don't I won't get you dango." The old man said.

I was up in a flash and we started heading towards a dango shop. i started to eat the dango happily. we finished and sensei had to go do some paperwork, poor old man, i would die if i had to do the amount of paperwork he does. when he left i went to the hospital to check on my two idiotic teammates. I walked in and saw them taking to each other. when i walked in i leaned against the wall and watched them. their in here because i'm not strong enough. if i was stronger they wouldn't have gotten hurt, I'm a failure, they will never forgive me. 

"oh, hey Sora what's up?" Aisura asked snapping me out of my thoughts. 

i dipped my head down and my bangs covered my face. 

"you okay?" Shenshi asked.

"yea, I'm s-sorry that i couldn't protect you." I whispered. 

"this isn't you fault, Sora we weren't strong enough to protect our self. if it weren't for you we would be dead. So thank you for that." Shenshi said a smile on her face.

i looked and hugged my two idiotic teammates. the were shocked but hugged back. when we stopped and sat on Shenshi's bed and we started to talk about random stuff. i had to leave when visiting hours where over. the sun was setting and i was heading to where Shikamaru and usually watch the clouds. i made it there to see shikamaru there watching the clouds. i started walking away but then i stopped. i couldn't move. i looked down to see a shadow at my feet. 

"really Shikamaru, can't you just make this easier on both of us and let me go?"i said slight annoyance in my voice.

"troublesome women, come watch the clouds with me." he said looking away. 

"fine." I grumbled.

he released me. i went to go lay down next to him. i watched clouds and that feeling came to my chest. i felt his hand brush against mine and my breath got caught in my throat. i stole a glance at him, and i leaned my head on his arm, and he started to stroke my hair. my chest got even tighter and i couldn't handle it anymore so i got up and started to walk away. however i was once again stopped by Shikamaru's shadow. 

"Shikamaru let me go!" i growled. 

"just wait you troublesome women, i got something to tell you." he said way to calmly witch made me more pissed.

"what is it, hurry up and spit it out so i can leave." I said aggression in my voice, however i was just trying  to cover up my real emotions. 

"this is going to be such a drag." he said making me role my eyes. "but even though you are a troublesome women I've somehow fallen in love with you."

my eye widened at this. was he joking? this can't be happening. he released me from his shadow but i didn't move. is he being serous. i slowly turned to him and looked him dead in the eyes and a blush came to my face.

"you stupid Nara, I-I've somehow fallen for you." I struggled to say. 

he looked at me and studied me. he walked up to me leaving a very small gap between us. he grabbed my hand and pulled me into an embrace, his chin was on my shoulder and i leaned my head into his chest. he started to stroke my hair.

"you really are a troublesome women." he said playfully 

"and you really are a stupid Nara." I said playfully

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