a chunin

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cold that is what i felt. ice that is what i saw. i walked around and nearly slipped multiple times. i heard i sweet yet strong voice, but i couldn't understand what it was saying. i tried to pinpoint where it was coming from but it was like it was everywhere. I tripped and closed my eyes readying for the impact but it never came, instead i felt a warm yet cold. i opened up my eyes and saw what looked like ice blue chakra. I looked like it would form some kind of being but before i could get a good view my surrounding began to vanish. 

my eyes slowly opened and i felt weight on my stomach. i tried to sit up but couldn't i looked to my stomach to see Shikamaru asleep there. i smiled and went to untie his hair but like usual my wrist was grabbed before i could. 

"what a troublesome women, first you worry us all half to death then you go and once again try to untie my hair. what is your obsession with my hair anyway, what a drag can you just let me go back to sleep." Shikamaru said going back to sleep. 

i smiled and laid down closing my eyes, letting my mind wonder back to that dream i had.  who did that voice belong to? what did the voice say? what did it mean? my eyes snapped open when i head the sounds of battle. i looked out the window and saw Naruto and Sasuke fighting. but it was different this time. it wasn't a friendly matched it looked like they would kill each other. i cringed as they both fired up powerful jutsu, those idiots there're going to kill each other. I stopped watching when Sasuke ran off. He better not be thinking what i think he is. i was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and Tsunade walked in with Shizune. 

"oh, you're finally awake, how are you feeling?" Tsunade asked.

"better than i did, how long have i been Tsunade."

"one, it's lady hokage now, and two a few days." she said.

"wait so you did become the hokage, and there's something I need to talk to you about lady hokage." I said.

"very well come to my office when you're ready you have been discharged, i also need to talk to you about something.." she said walking out of the room leaving me with Shikamaru again.

"what do you need to talk to her about?" Shikamaru asked still half asleep.

"I've got a few... concerns" I hesitated. "and i need to talk to her about my kekkei genkai."

he nodded and got off me. 

"well I'll be heading off, my dad said i had to train so I'll talk to you later." he said then kissed my cheek. "stay safe Sora, i don't know what i would do if you died you troublesome woman" 

he left the room. i looked around the room to see my usual outfit so i put it on and left. i made it to the hokages office and knocked. it was weird hear Tsunade's voice and not the old mans. i walked in and gave a small bow. 

"you wanted to talk." she said.

"yes, first of all i'm worried that Sasuke will join Orochimaru." I said looking down, feeling kinda guilty saying that.

"i see why you're worried about that, however I will deal with it if it happens, now there's something else you wanna say." she said.

"well i thought i should tell you about my kekkei genkai." i said and she raised her hand.

"the 3rd hokage left files about that, now it's time for me to tell you something." she paused for a moment. "out of all the contestants in the chunin exam two people passed on the 3rd hokages orders, and those two are Shikamaru Nara and you Sora Hisha." 

i looked at her shocked.

"wait so i'm a chunin?" i asked.

"yes, and i can see why from your files." 

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