abandoned, forgotten and seen

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~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

my teammates and I were heading back to class to wait for  our sensei. When we got there Iruka, told us to go see the hokage. As we were walking, it got really quite. I looked at my teammates, and I could immediately tell they wanted to say something. I knew I was going to regret asking, but I had to.

"You two, whats on your minds?" I asked. 

"None of your business." Senshi snapped. 

I gave her a looked that showed no emotion. I understood why she hates me, it's understandable, I hate myself as well. 

"Shenshi be nice, you don't have to be so mean all the time." Aisura said to Shenshi .

I just gave up on the trying to be nice. It never works, you always get hurt if you open yourself up. However I'm use to it. We finally were in front of the Hokages office. Aisura went up and knocked on the door.  We heard the Hokage say come in. We all entered the room and stood in front  the Hokage. 

"You called for us Lord Hokage?" Shenshi said.

"Yes, I have to tell you three something. This team will not be lead by a jounin, it will be lead by me." The old man said. 

Shenshi and Aisura gave a small gasp and had confused looks on their faces. I was also confused, but like usual I didn't let it show. 

"B, but why Lord Hokage, Why would you wanna train a bunch of genin?" Aisura questioned. 

 "Because I think you three have a lot of potential, however due to the fact that I am the hokage I may not be able to train you all the time, and when that does happen you will either have to train together without a teacher or I will organise you to go train with some of the other teams. And on the topic of other teams, sometimes you will be joining other teams on missions, because I can't leave the village. If I have to send you on a higher level mission without another team, I will find another jounin to go with you. This will continue in till I believe you have enough skill and experience to do it by yourself." The old man explained. then he added. "Now can You three tell me about yourselves, for example your name, like, dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future."

"Okay I'll start. My name is Aisura Hato, I like animals, helping others and making people happy. I dislikes Unnecessary death, bullies and selfish people. My hobbies include helping around town, going into the forest and feeding the birds and playing with children. My dreams for the future is Helping all the ninja villages find peace and happiness, so there are no more wars between us." 

"I guess it's my turn, My name is Senshi Deon. I like training reading and going for waling in the forest. I dislike People who use other, People who judge other without knowing the person,  and sexists. My hobbies are training, reading and more training. My dreams for the future are, becoming strong enough to protect those who can't protect themselves, and maybe becoming a trainer to help people learn self-defence."

"I know you probably don't care but here i go, My name is Sora Hisha. I like reading, drawing, singing, owls, wolves and dango. I dislike backstabbers, people who abuse others and people who tell you not to do something then do it them-self. My hobbies are Drawing, writing songs, reading and i guess i like training. My dreams for the future are, being able to be free, and being able to prevent children from losing their childhood, well that's it for me, I'm not very interesting."

"Do you really think we don't wanna know about you, you are so cool Sora-Chan I'm so glad you somewhat opened up to us." Aisura said with a big goofy grin spread across his face.

"Well, you three will meet me at 6:00 in the morning, you are dismissed." The Hokage said.  

"It's kinda nice being seen." I thought.

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