Snakes, Fears and troublesome emotions

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~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

I was lying in bed, thinking about what happened yesterday. i can't believe i lost my temper at Sakura. and the whole thing with Shikamaru, it's kinda embarrassing thinking back on it now. I have never opened up to someone like that, and it just happened so easily, i didn't even realise how comfortable i felt with him in till he left. i kinda miss him now. I got up deciding i should get ready for the day, even though i wanted to spend the whole day in my house like the anti-social person i am. i grabbed and put on my outfit, and put my hair in a ponytail. i went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. then i heard a knock at the door.

I walked towards the door and opened it to see an anbu standing there. I put my hand on my hip and looked at the anbu. I heard a small laugh come from the anbu.

"what do you want?" I demanded.

"the lord hokage has a mission for your team and team 10, he wants you to meet him in his office in half a hour. " the anbu said.

"okay, can you leave now." I said in a monotone voice.

Then all of the sudden he was gone, i quickly grabbed my ninja poach and strapped it to my leg and ran out my door, and headed towards the hokages office while eating my apple, i jumped from roof to roof. I was now standing in front of the old mans office waiting for my team.

my team and team 10 were now walking towards the office, and Aisura looked at me with a huge smile on his face, he ran up to give me a hug, however i knocked him down.

"why are you so heartless, Sora." Aisura whined.

I just stared down at him, while Shenshi started laughing.

"You idiot, did you really think she wouldn't knock you down if you tried to hug her?" Shenshi asked as she helped Aisura up. Team 10 were standing behind us laughing.

i gave a low growl, and knocked on the door to the office and quickly entered when told to. we stood in front of him. i looked at him wanting to know what the mission is, i really didn't want to go on a mission today. in fact i would be happy not going on a mission for a month, i was having a really hard time with my emotions. I hate this, i usually have an easy time controlling them or at least hiding them.

"you will be going on a mission to collect herbs, Asuma will be the one in charge, and you'll have to leave the village to find most of them, good luck, and here is a list of all the herbs you need to find." the old man explained as he handed Asuma a list.

i gave i low groan, i really didn't want to go on this mission.

"okay, lets head to the gate." Asuma said.

I started walking out the office but i looked back at the hokage first, only to see him smiling. What is he planing? The sly old fox. I followed behind the others, i wonder what will happen this time? We were walking towards the gates, then i felt multiple eyes watching me, i quickly shot my head up, only to see nothing, dammit i feel a pair of eyes on me often , but this one was different.

~~~~Kakashi's pov~~~~

Guy, Iruka and i hid from the girl. she was fast, and was very aware of her surroundings. i saw her give a sigh of annoyance. So this is the person who has been the hokages student for 8 years. My student has really chosen someone to pick a fight with. Sakura is lucky Sora can controll herself, if Sora did fight back, Sakura might be dead by now. But from what I've seen Sora is at least at a chunin level. I saw sparkles in Guys eyes. and Iruka just look kinda proud.

"Why can't you be nicer Sora, Why are you so cold?" i heard Sora's male teammate whine, Sora just rolled her eyes at him.

~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

I still felt eyes on me, however i didn't get a bad feeling so it should be fine. we were coming up to the gates now.

"okay, we will split up into two man teams, and you will all have a list of herbs to find. team 1 Choji and Aisura, team 2 Ino and Shenshi and team 3 Shikamaru and Sora. I will be going from team to team to check on you now." Asuma announced.

I inwardly groaned, why must the whole world be against me, why do i have to be on a team with Shikamaru, i was embarrassed about the whole thing yesterday, i just hope he wont bring it up.

i was picking through the grass looking for the last herb we needed, and the most difficult to find. As i was sorting through i found the herb, i pick it, but a snake came out, i froze and stared at it, i was terrified of snakes. it started getting hard for me to breath as i watch the snake get closer to me, i couldn't move even though i tried, and I started to slightly sake.

I felt something grab my wrist and pull me up. I was pulled into someones chest and heard a loud piecing sound. I was still shaking and frozen in the persons arms. then it hit me, i looked up and saw Shikamaru, i got out of his grasp and turned away from him and a slight blush grace my cheeks.

"so you're scared of snakes?" Shikamaru asked.

"No!" i snapped back.

"what a drag, it's obvious that you are scared of them, you troublesome women."

i gave a low growl, i turned on my heel and threw the herbs i got at Shikamaru.

"Did the snake bite you?" He asked.

"why do you care?" I said.

"that snake is extremely venous, if you did get bitten we need to get you to the hospital."

"i didn't get bitten, but we got all herbs on our list, lets head to the meeting point."

we were walking back and i got slight butterflies in my stomach, and my heart race got a bit faster. what the heck, what is wrong with me? stupid emotions.

~~~~Asuma's pov~~~~

It was very amusing watching those two kids trying to sort out their emotions, and it was funny watching their interaction with each other, young love was so adorable, and watching them trying to ignore it was even better. I gave a laugh at them.

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