"You're a good kid."

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I climbed off the bus at the right stop and began to quickly pace in the correct direction to the shop although by the looks of it, i was already around 15-20 minutes late. Fawner wouldn’t mind, i don’t think. She would maybe give me the stare which instantly sent me to constant amount of apologising but that would be all, but Alec on the other hand would be all over me like a detective, he would attempt to play 20 questions with me until he got the information he needed. It’s not the best way to get things, but it does work and i had to give him that.

As i reached the same street as the shop, i jogged down it and swung the door open forcing my body quickly into the small building. It wasn’t busy so i was in luck; i pulled off my big jumper and headed to the back employee area. I swung the jumper onto my hook along with my belongings and i yanked on my assigned pinafore uniform; it wasn’t the worst uniform ive had to wear before. When i worked at a children’s cafe, i was forced to wear a different costume every other day, it was the most obscure idea of having to dress like insects for children.

Quickly i rushed back to the main store and began to stack up the cans in a neat order. It took me 10 minutes to arrange everything the way i like. Once i was finished i walked back to the counter and lifted my weight up onto it, next to the till. I watched as very few people spread out all around the shop rummaging through the shelves and messing up my work.

“Reeve, i thought i heard you come in. Alec is very poorly and won’t be attending work for a little while so you will have to take his shift, if that’s okay?” Fawner spoke from behind me, which made me jump.

“That’s fine, not like i have anything better to do.”

“Oh dear, don’t worry you’ll find someone.” A smile appeared on her face as she patted my back slowly.

“Someone? Um, no thank you. I’ve seen every type of couple who decide to rent the apartment. It’s sickening what they are all like, I’m staying well away from that, but thank you for the ‘support’, very touching that you care.” I laughed.

“Now, now let’s not get to attitudey, remember I’m not like the rest of your friends.”

“What friends?” I joked.

“I don’t believe a young lovely woman like you hasn’t got any friends, i’m sure you have but you just don’t realise it.”

“Oh, trust me, if i had friends, i wouldn’t be stuck with the apartment strangers.”

She didn’t respond but she leaned in closer and kissed my cheek and smiled. I looked at her and she walked back to the employee door and i assumed to her room, as she lived there.

I leaped off the counter and looked at the amount of customers who were still in the shop, a few more had entered and none had left. I walked around the store and began to sweep the floors trying to avoid anyone who wanted help. I never liked to talk to people, not that i had confidence issues, i just don’t like to be bothered by people.

I walked back to the counter as i saw a customer hold their basket and wait at the till. I placed their items in the right area and began to scan the items. After scanning around half of the items, i looked up to see the same elderly man i saw on the bus, but there was no signs of another person with him unless the woman had gone to do something while he picked up a few things. The man noticed that i stopped scanning his items and was then staring at him as if i was studying him. He began to laugh and i removed my eyes from his and finished the job.

“Cold today, ‘ent it.” His deep husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

I simply nodded and stood still waiting for the till to load the total cost of his items. He began to hum a tune which seemed very mysterious and quite eerie, the riff sort of sounded like a minor scale but with extra added notes but also like a lullaby. I smiled as the tune rang through my ears almost perfectly. It was such a beautiful sound and his low pitched voice made it sound almost tribal. I took in a deep breath still feeling his tune dance around my eardrums and up to my brain bringing me out of focus.

“How much then?” He said, stopping his hum and bringing me back to reality. I shook my head and brought my eyes back to the till to read the price.

“That will be £8.45.”

He handed me the money in a matter of seconds and i gave him the receipt in return. He took it out of my hand and began to walk towards the door, before stopping and turning back to face me.

“I’m Jacob by the way, i saw you on the bus earlier, alone. “

“I’m Reeve and i saw you aswell, with your partner?”

“Partner, wife, lover-“

“I’m gonna stop you just there.” I laughed.

“You’re a good kid.”

“Um, thanks...” I said quieter than my previous responses.

“Well, bye.”

“See you around, Mr Jacob.” I smiled.

“See you around, Miss Birdie.” He smiled back, which caught me by surprise.

Before i was able to question him about why he knows who the hell i am, he exited the building leaving me to help another customer with their list of items.

Why would he know about Birdie, i’ve never seen him before, let alone exchanged names apart from that moment? He was a complete stranger who i’d seen on the bus just a couple of hours ago. He was just an innocent elderly man who came in to get his shopping done. Maybe the riff through me off track a tiny bit but that wasn’t to do with him knowing my name or who he was. That’s something different. I think.

“How’s your day been?” Harry said interrupting me from my thoughts.

“What are you doing here?” I responded, emotionlessly.

“Here to see my dear friend.”

“Well, you’ve seen me now so you best be going and we are not friends.”

“Well we’re not strangers.”

“We are.” I shot back.

“I know your name.”


“Fine have it your way.” A grin played on his face.

I lifted up my hand and began to wave at him and then gestured to the door.

“Can’t get rid of me that easily.” He stated smirking even more.

“Haven’t you got work or that Cleo girl to do.”

“Feisty one, aren’t you.”

“Annoying one, aren’t you.” I said with a sly grin on my face copying his recent facial movement.

I pushed my body from behind the till and walked over to a lost customer and directed them to the baby food. She thanked me and i walked back to where I left Harry standing. He was now sitting on the counter where i was earlier.

“Do you mind?” I said attempting to push him off the counter but his muscles tensed and it was like he was stuck. I gave up and just decided to thump his arm instead.

“Nope.” He laughed ignoring my previous violent move.

“Of course, but please leave now.” I said dimming my eyes at him. He instantly jumped off the counter and headed to the door and looked back once before walking out the door. I shrugged my shoulders and continued on with my shift. 

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