The Myth

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After i told the bartender everything about the last couple of days, it seemed like i knew him for ages. He spoke to me like he was my friend and continued feeding me with surprisingly good advice. He served me much too often and by the end of the small heart to heart, i felt like crawling in a ball on the floor. My vision was clear but not like the beginning of the day. Day?

âUm, wh... what time is it?â I stuttered as the alcohol ran through my veins.

âNine.â He replied, looking at his clean and perfectly shiny iPhone.


âYeah, time goes fast when youâre having fun, right?â He laughed in his deep husky voice, sending shivers down my spine. I didnât bother to reply; instead i gave a simple smile.

âWell, i should go... Iâve already wasted my day off.â I said, dismissing the previous topic.

âWasted? Oh cheersâ He laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

âYou know thatâs not what i meant.â I teased back.

âOh sure...â He winked and i shook my head and scrunched up my face.

âI... I lost track of time.â I admitted.

âLost.â He repeated my previous speech, picking it out.

âYes lost.â I repeated myself.

âOr you just stayed here for reasons you already know.â

âStop.â I said, taking a large gulp of the large drink sat in front of me. I didnât know what i was exactly drinking but it was bearable and i didnât like not having the boost of confidence that alcohol gave me.

âFlirting? Stop flirting?â He reached forward and pulled the glass from my clasp and placed it on the counter. âYouâve drank enough now, iâm sure youâre very fun when youâre drunk but iâd rather you not getting completely shitfaced so you end up waking up to a stranger in your bed or even worse, on the street.â The concern in his voice made me smile slightly.

âHow is on the street worse than someone in my bed?â I coughed.

âWork it out.â He challenged.

âNo, math is hard.â I whined.

âItâs not even math though, itâs common sense.â

âWell, letâs say for arguments sake, that i donât have any of that.â I said before raising my eyebrows and parting my lips to a straight line.

âYouâve had enough; youâre such a light weight.â He laughed.

âA light weight my ass.â I chuckled. âWell bye, i got to go sort out that Harry boy, heâs seriously getting on my nerves.â

The boy did nothing but laugh at my speech, and honestly, i didnât mind because he was so handsome and his smile was just spectacular. His jaw line would appear bolder when he would laugh, it was so tight i thought it might have shattered, but it didnât.

I stood up from my stool and headed over to the door, i felt the boysâ eyes watch me as i opened the door of the club. I raised my arm and waved at him with a sarcastic smile playing on my face. Without a second thought, he stepped from behind the bar and walked towards me. His figure seemed much broader up close and he seemed a lot muscleier from where i was stood. He took a step closer until we were a reasonable distance apart and he leaned in.

âIâm Zayn.â The warmth of his breath tickled my skin sending goose bumps around my body.

âReeve.â I shot back.

âWell, Reeve, i hope i see you around.â He sort of whispered. I nodded and gave a brief smile before saying goodbye and leaving the club.

The sky was dark and a few streetlights shone around me, the majority of them were broken though. I sped walked back to the apartment to see Harry standing outside the door, waiting for someone. I felt the alcohol completely dissolve and i was left with not an ounce adrenaline left.

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