"I'll Get The Corpse..."

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I ran as fast as I could to the useless figure on the floor. The hooded people had already walked away before I was there. As soon as I approached the body lying on the floor, I dropped down and yanked off the dark hoody, revealing a familiar person. Alec.

I yanked his body up and with him barely conscious leaning all his weight onto me, I was able to drag his body towards the apartment. I made it to the bottom of the steps before collapsing to the ground with Alec passed out on top of me.

I shouted Harry and Cleo but neither if them appeared. I began to raise my voice louder not caring about the neighbours.

Alec looked so innocent, his face was a dark shade of red showing that there would be many bruises to come. His eyes were closed so peacefully yet one looked slightly opened from the beat. His lips already looked swollen, even though he wasn't awake, I knew he would be in pain and that's why he needed to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

His clothes were slightly ripped, the bullies must have been seriously pissed with Alec for them to do something this horrifying. It scared me the think of what he must have done to get such a beat. I shouted louder as I saw his chest begin to slow down enough that I could barely tell whether he was breathing or not.

The door swung open with Harry stood in the doorway, he immediately ran towards me and pulled Alec off me and pulled me to my feet.

"Are you okay? Fuck! I told you not to go back! Did they hurt you? Who's he? Wait, why did you bring one back?" He shouted jumping to conclusions.

"No! Alec is my friend, you need to help me get him to the hospital! Please drive us!" I cried.

"I didn't think you had friends, and even if he is, don't you think those dicks will be after you when they practically left him for dead?!"

"Harry, I don't care! I just need to get him to the damn hospital now!"

"Jesus, Reeve! You're a fucking nightmare!" He handed me the car keys "You get in, I'll get the corpse"

"Don't call him that! He's going to be fine!"

I shakily push to key into the hole and jump into the back seat and I watched Harry carry the beaten up boy into the car to the seat next to me.

"Make sure he doesn't bleed onto my seats." He said before closing the door and rushing around to his side of the car and hopping in. He threaded his arm through the two seats and held his hand out waiting for something. I sat still looking at the empty hand.


I leaned forwards quickly and handed him the keys, he snatched them and shoved them in the ignition.

"You know what?" Harry said in a softer tone, I didn't need to look at him to see the smile that was playing on his face.

"I'm not in the mood for your snide comments." I whispered back.

"I was just going to-"

"Going to make a comment that is unnecessary, just don't." I interrupted him.

"Time of the month." Harry coughed but made it obvious enough for me to hear.

"Just shut up, Alec is in the back and God knows whether he will be okay, so please stop talking and just drive!"

"I was just trying to change the subject to take your mind off it..."

"Listen, I don't like you very much and I don't ever ask you for anything up until now and I just want this over with and then we never have to communicate again. This is how it will go, I'll thank you for the helpful yet annoying ride to the hospital, I'll take Alec inside and you'll leave and do whatever you do in your time. Of course I'll see you at the flat but I don't want any small talk or anything, I just want you to leave me alone, got it?!" I said in a loud voice but not loud enough to wake Alec whom I assumed was asleep.

"Reeve..." Harry said.

"She's not in."

"Reeve." He said again but poked my arm as well. "I thought we were okay, we had fun earlier, I guess..."

"You thought wrong."

"None of this is my fault, you know? I didn't secretly arrange for my friends to beat up some boy you call your friend. I didn't choose for this to happen, why do you always think the worst from me? For fuck sake Reeve."

I ignored his last comment as we were just turning up in the car park of the hospital. Harry stops the car and turns to me, I don't hesitate to climb out the car to see who could help me carry Alec inside. I saw a couple of nurse or doctors who followed me out with the hospital bed on wheels.

"Where's the car?" A nurse asked.

"It was parked here, Harry must have chose a better parking space?" I mumbled slowly.

My eyes scanned the parking lot to see no car that I recognised to be Harry's.

What if he took Alec?!

What if he did it to spite me?!

My mind clouds up with a hundred different scenarios of what happened to Alec and what Harry had done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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