Chapter Three

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     Our honey moon had been amazing. We were heading back home already. I wished it could have lasted longer, but unfortunately it couldn't. We'd be able to go on vacation soon, though. Afterall, we aren't in school any longer, and it's summer.

     I've decided to go to school to become a teacher for the blind, mute, and deaf. When I told Carson, he supported my decision 100%. He was actually excited. He wants me to be Mia's teacher, and I'm quite fond of the idea.

     Carson decided he was going to continue with music, and I fully support him. I know he can go far in the music industry, considering his talent is out of this world. He's amazing at what he does, and if that's what he loves to do, there's no reason he shouldn't do it.

     We were on the plane, heading back home when Carson turned to me.

"What's your dream house like?" He asked, in a serious tone that also sounded curious.

"Any house I can live in with you." I smiled at him. It was the truth. I wasn't trying to be corny, although it sounded that way. I truly would love any house as long as I lived in it with the wonderful man next to me.

"In all seriousness, love. Please describe your dream home." He had a cute little smile when he heard my first reply.

     I had to think for a few minutes, and then I described my dream home.

"Hmm, at least four bedrooms, two or three bath rooms, a lot of space, nice kitchen, walk-in closet, nice master bath, and a pool. Those would be some of the requirements for a dream home." He smiled for some reason.

"What if I told you I could get your dream house for us?" I was confused.

"I'd be happy, but, why do you ask?" 

"I think I know the perfect house. It's beautiful, and even more than what you'd like. I got us plane tickets there instead of home. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind!" Now I was excited, I wasn't ready to go home, and plus I wanted to see this dream house of mine.

     Soon the plane landed. We were in California. I was a little scared about moving all the way out here. What about my family? What about Carsons family? They were all the way across the states in a small town in Ohio. How would we deal with not being able to see them? I've never been so far away from my father and brother for a long period of time. How would I be Mia's teacher?..

"Calm down." Carson turned to see my face, and he must have been able to see my concern.

"But.." Carson chuckled and cut me off.

"Don't worry about our families, love. You'll see when we get there." I was unsure, but I trusted Carsons opinion, and if he says it's our dream home, then I'll go and look at it. 

     Carson asked me if I wanted to rent a car to go over, or take a taxi. I told him a taxi would be cheaper, and then he automatically said it'd be better to rent a car.

     We got in the car we were renting.

"Wow, it's nice." I said. I wasn't sure what kind it was considering I'm terrible in the car department.

"It's not as nice looking as you." He winked playfully, causing me to giggle.

      It didn't take long before we got to the house. As soon as I saw it, I was in love. It was perfect. Exactly what I wanted. Atleast it looked that way from the outside. When we went inside it got even better. It had exactly what I wanted and even more. 

"What do you think?" Carson asked as he turned to me.

"I love it. I just don't know about living so far away from.." 

"Hey, Av." I turned around as a mans voice cut me off mid-sentence.

"DECLAN!" I laughed, running up to him and hugging him.

"We're all moving to Cali, sis." He said as both of Carson and mine's family walked out.

     It was perfect. Our life was just about to begin together.


*A/N: I'm SO sorry guys. :/ I didn't mean to take so long to update. I just recently got my new computer, so I should be able to update more often. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. <3* 

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