Chapter Four

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     We officially live in Cali, and I couldn't be happier. This was a new beginning, and everyone I love will be here with me. My dad, Declan, Carson, his grandparents, Mia, River, and of course Rachel is living with Declan now. 

     It seems as if all of our lives are turning out to be just amazing. Declan and Rachel are expecting a baby. My father has been happier, and I think now that we've moved he might even find him a lady. Mia has enjoyed the transition from her old house to here, she just seems a lot happier. I think we're all a lot happier now that we're away from everything back home.

     We moved in earlier today, so we're all exhausted. All of our stuff was already on the way when I first saw the house. It was amazing. We stayed one night in a hotel, and then today everything had arrived and we just moved right on in.

 "Let's celebrate." Carson said, as he laid beside me on the bed.

"How?" I asked, turning to him.

"Go get dressed, something comfortable." He smiled and quickly got up to run out of the room.

     I wondered what Carson had up his sleeve this time. He was always doing something amazing for me. He was a sweetheart like that. I have no idea how he had all the connections he did, but I didn't mind. He spoils me, and what kind of girl doesn't want to be spoiled. I know I don't mind it one bit.

     Shortly after Carson left, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said. Rachel opened the door.

"Hey girl." She smiled, walking over to me and embracing me in a hug.

"I see Declan is in on this, too." I said, causing Rachel to laugh.

"Yep. I have no idea where we're going." I thought for a minute.

"I don't know either."

     Rachel and I got ready together, and headed downstairs where we were greeted by our lovely men. 

"You look fantastic." Declan spoke to Rachel.

"You look absolutely beautiful, princess." Carson said, not taking his eyes off of me.

"You always have a better way with words! It's not fair." Declan said jokingly, causing Carson, Rachel and myself to burst out in laughter.

"Where are we going?" Rachel questioned.

"What she said." I chimed in.

"I let Declan pick, so I actually have no idea." Carson looked over at Declan, followed by both Rachels eyes, and mine.

"Actually, I'm not good at this stuff, so.." He trailed off.

"Just tell us where we're going, I don't care where it is as long as it's with you."

"Aw, babe." 

"Cut it out!" I joked at Rachel and Declan being mushy.

"Alright, well, the truth is we're only going to a movie tonight. But we're going to Disney tomorrow!" I got extremely excited being that I had always wanted to go but never gotten the chance.

"Baby!" Rachel squealed. 

"I'm sorry about only being able to take you to the movie tonight, it's just it was last minute and.." Rachel shut Declan's rambling up with a kiss, and I turned to Carson.

"Looks like we're going to Disney tomorrow."

"Yep!" I cheered with excitement.

     We made out way to the movie theatre and watched whatever movie it was. I didn't pay too much attention, ya see, I was focused on the handsome man beside me. After all this time, when I look at him I still get chills. He's so good looking, so sweet, so perfect, and yet he loves me just as much as I love him. I don't think he could be anymore perfect than he already is.

     Right after the movie we decided to head home, since we were going to be getting up early. I laid down in my bed with Carson, our bed, for the first time. Our life couldn't be any better.


*A/N: I've been so busy, I've barley had time to write. But I promise the next chapter will be one you don't want to miss. ;) Don't forget to vote and comment. <3 Again, I'm so sorry about the slow updates. :(*

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