Why Should I Care?

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2 weeks ... It's been 2 weeks since I've heard from Seiya. Everything seemed to have gone back to normal ever since then, but only slightly.

The girls kept on dropping hints to me about Seiya and I pretend that it went over my head so that they'd just drop it already, but it seemed to have made them more persistent.

Minako-chan even had the nerve to ask me whether or not I had "steamy, hot make-up sex against the wall" with Seiya yet. I almost spontaneously combusted and whacked her upside the head for even entertaining the ... The sick thought of me ever giving into him so ... Easily.

Well, you were to giving into him weeks ago when he had you pressed against your car and you ground your - SHUT UP!

"URGH!" I snarled to myself, throwing my brush across the room and resumed drinking my tea.

You know that you want to see and talk to him, even if it's to yell at him again. You've done exhausted all of your .... equipment and hands trying to push him from your mind, which hasn't worked at all. You've only made yourself much more frustrated than you already were.

I rolled my eyes at myself. "Yeah right, " I quipped, taking one last sip of my drink before my eyes fluttered to the calling card beside me.

"Have this to call me at least when you're ready to talk ..." I heard Seiya's voice saying within my head before it decided to repeat itself.

"... to talk ..."

"... to talk ..."

"... TO TALK!"

A shriek wretched itself from my throat as I snatched up the cursed thing that's been taunting me for the past 2 weeks.

Moving to dial Seiya's number, I paused.

Do you really want to risk him sweet talking you back into his arms? Because it'll be quite stupid of us to allow him back in after what he did years ago. We can't afford to be hurt again.

I ran that over and over in my mind several times before finally dialing up his number and waited for him to answer.

He picked up after a second ring. "Hello?" he breathed, sounding quite groggy.

Damn his voice is still sexy as hell when it's early in the morning. I wish that I could - PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!

"If this is some kind of prank, I swear that -," he started, practically growling into the phone before I cut him off nervously.

"Anou ... It's me ... Usagi, " I said, wanting to hit myself for sounding like a lovesick school girl calling her crush.

That seemed to have gotten him to wake him up fully as he exclaimed in surprise, "You actually called me?!"

I held in a laugh at his astonishment about my calling him and replied, "Don't get any bright ideas, Kou. I only called you because ... Because I was sick and tired of looking at your calling card." Great! Now I look desperate!

A slight chuckle sounded from him before he squashed it down. "So, what do you want to know?" he prompted, taking on a much more calmer demeanor than before.

Well, he is an actor ... A damn good one too! Maybe we can - NO!

Readjusting my robe, I stated, "I want you to meet me at my apartment. I'll send you the address after I hang up. No funny business either when you get here."

He hummed, "As you wish, Odango-hime."

Hearing his pet name for me sent my heart fluttering and cringing at the sound of it.

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