Girl Talk

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" squawked Minako-chan from her bed, gaping at me as if I had said that I were pregnant with a whale.

I smiled sheepishly and used my napkin to dab at my face to clear it of the wine spewed onto it by Minako-chan during her loud outburst.

Minako-chan, it was only reasonable for that to happen. You know that Usagi-chan doesn't know how to hold her liquor, Ami-chan pointed out, or at least tried to amidst Minako-chans loud chattering.

"But she fell asleep on Seiya-san! On Seiya-san of all people! That's crazy!"

"Minako-chan, " I tried, but she was still on her tirade.

"If I had someone like Seiya-san, I'd be fucking him morning, noon, and night! Not fall asleep on him! Though, Yaten-kun does meet my needs quite beautifully, but come on! Falling asleep on Seiya-san just as you're about to have sex!"

Rei-chan rolled her eyes and snorted, "You give Usagi-chan too much credit. She doesnt even know what to do with a penis, let alone Seiya-kun's."

Mako-chan gave a hum, "Seiya-san is quite ... endowed if memory serves right. "

Rei-chan, Mako-chan, and Minako-chan let out a dreamy sigh as their eyes glistened with lust from their fantasies.

"Really endowed ..." chimed in Ami-chan herself, a delighted grin on her face.

Everyone's eyes, including mine, turned onto Ami-chan to give her looks of astonishment. Our mouths hung open at how bold our little genius has become, only to be proven wrong when she suddenly blushed and looked away.

"Oh, but that's besides the point because I have Taiki-san and we're not really supposed to be talking about Usagi-chan's boyfriend like that, " she sputtered out, holding her hands against her crimson cheeks.

Minako-chan gave an evil snicker at that. "Oh, Ami-chan, just admit that you're not dead and know what a fine sportsman that Seiya-san is. We aren't dead after all, " she quipped before taking another sip of her wine.

"Uhh, Minako-chan, you probably do need to slow down on the drinking. That's like your fifth glass, " Mako-chan voiced while pouring herself another glass of wine.

"Oh, but the night is young! And we still need to talk about how Usagi-chan fell asleep on Seiya-san days ago!" Minako-chan screeched out loud, turning her blurred gaze back onto me. "Which brings me back to: How did you manage to fall asleep on a hunk like Seiya-san?!"

I flushed, twirling a strand of hair on my index finger. "Well, I was totally wasted when he brought me home that night, so ..."

"But did you at least get a few good feels in before you passed out?!" Rei-chan added in herself, looking as exasperated as Minako-chan.

I smiled sheepishly, "Does that include kisses?"

Miss. Meanie and my traitorous twin let out a loud groan, covering their faces with their hands as they shook their heads at my expense.

"Poor Seiya-san ..." Mako-chan lamented as she and Ami-chan joined in on the disappointed head shaking.

"We should have figured that she couldn't handle a man like him. Poor Seiya-san ..." Ami-chan tsked and took another dainty bite of her sandwich.

"Maybe we should take him off her hands, " Rei-chan suggested with a smirk.

"We should because the poor man has been pink-balled for too long, " Minako-chan agreed and took another swig from her glass.

"You mean blue-balled, Minako-chan."

"Whatever, you know what I meant. Anyway, poor Seiya-san ..."

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