Take My Time

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AN: I'd like to thank all of you who've supported the Ardor Series since Desire and/or Numb. I couldn't have done it without you guys' support. I'm forever grateful for yall.

I'd also like to thank my two muses, who inspired the entire series in their own way. I'm eternally indebted to Elsa and Jasmine for their assistance in the series.

Now, onto the finale of this story. Hope that you all enjoy this. Let me know if you want the sequel (Trust) or not.


I already hate Operation: G.Y.M.A.G.W. and it hasnt even begun yet!

Ugh! I cant believe that I allow her to talk me into this! Goddamn you, Minako-chan!

I peeked around Seiyas hotel room after carefully stashing my things inside the closet. My teeth gnawed away at my bottom lip as my heart basically tried to tear itself from within my chest at the rate that it was beating at.

I was very tempted to storm down the hallway to Yaten-kuns room to snatch up Minako-chan and demand that we (her, myself, and Ami-chan) abort this so-called mission and go home!

Her plan is just insane! This is just madness at its finest! I shouldnt have listened to her! I shouldn't have come here! What if I find him with another girl?! Oh! MINAKO-CHAN!!

I let out a frustrated grunt, plopping down on the bed with a pout. Stupid Minako-chan stupid plan I shouldnt have come here stupid, stupid I can't believe that I Urgh! I grumbled to myself, falling back onto the bed with another frustrated growl. I snatched up one of the pillows and pulled it over my face to scream my frustration into it at my stupidity for listening to Minako-chan.

Ah, but you know exactly why you decided to come here so dont even try to blame it all on Minako-chan. You wanted to see for yourself whether or not he had female company with him for one, and to get your heels knocked off by him after weeks of you two not touching each other.

I groaned, Oh, shut up!

You know that Im right

I removed the pillow from my face and placed it back amongst the other pillows on the bed. Sitting up, I murmured to myself, Fine, so what exactly did Minako-chan say for me to do again?

I sat there, trying to recall what exactly my crazy friend had said about Operation: G.Y.M.A.G.W. every five times that she's explained the plan to me – but found myself drawing some blinks.

Ugh Why do I have to be such an airhead still?! I moaned, covering my face with my hands in exasperation as I kicked myself internally for my lackluster memory.

I should've recorded her stupid explanation on my damn phone before we got here! Stupid, stupid!

Tempted to just throw myself onto his bed and fall asleep till he gets back, I let out a puff of air in the form of a growl when an idea struck me.

My phone!

I reached into my skirt pocket for my phone and unlocked it to text my menace of a friend in hopes that she'd explain this brilliant idea of hers.

Mina what wuz da plan again?

I pressed send and waited for her response with baited breath. Anxiety building, I started to pace back and forth with my eyes firmly glued to my phone.

Why hasnt she answered yet?! Where the hell is she?!

With a pout on my face, I sent her another text: Where da fuck r u?! ): 😝 :/

Waited a few more minutes and still nothing from the evil menace!

I'm going to get her later next time I see her ass!

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