Do You Want To?

130 5 3

Don't stop I tangled my hands within Seiyas hair, my hips rocking to meet his fingers.

He moved his face away from my breasts to look me in the eyes. I dont plan to he breathed, his lips brushing mine.

I let out a slight squeal when he trailed his thumb across my clit. My nails dug into his scalp, but I doubt that he cared based on how he was kissing on my neck at the moment.

Seiyas fingers pumped in and out of me, making me go wild with need. My voice resonating inside the room as sounds of pleasure spewed in my lips in the form of gasps and mewls.

I've waited 7 years to experience this I can't wait any longer for us to be united

You have too much on, I moaned, reaching for his tie.

Seiya let out a chuckle and assisted me with his tie. What if I like to be fully dressed whenever I have sex, he teased, a wolfish grin on his face.

I smacked him on his arm. I'd much rather have you naked!

Oh, but I don't think you could handle me naked, Odango. I am quite breath-taking if I must say so myself

I scoffed and shoved at him at least I tried to. I'm still very much impaired at the moment from drinking so much at the party.

I should've stopped after the first glass! GODDAMNIT!

I held a hand to my throbbing temple, feeling slightly lightheaded before one thought gave me a renewed purpose.

I need to make him pay!

Smacking at his tantalizing hands away from my body, I scooted as far away from those sinful things he call hands and his sensuous lips with a huff.

Oh, come on, Odango. I was only joking with you, he said, reaching for me with those cursed things.

I swatted his hands away again before they made contact with my enflamed skin. Giving him a (hopefully) stern look, I huffed at him, No way! You dont deserve sex from me after saying that! Then I made my grand exit of wrapping my blanket around my body and moved to climb off the bed to escape him – only to find my clumsy, drunken ass on the floor; tangled up in my blanket.

Odango! he cried, moving to my side instantly to assess me for any injuries.

Urgh! I knew that I shouldn't have drunk as much as I did! I whined, feeling as if the room was spinning.

Seiya lifted me up into his arms and brought us back to the bed. Maybe you really shouldn't have drunk as much he chuckled, lying beside me.

I swatted him away from me once again, a scowl on my face. Shut up! I just said that, you idiot!

He grasped onto my wrist, using his free hand to brush stray locks of hair away from my face. But Im your idiot, Odango

That made me stop my onslaught of smacking at him with my free hand. My eyes locked with his in a amorous gaze, our breathing becoming shallow.

Minutes passed between us, our breathing and the wind blowing outside being the only sounds in the room.

His eyes they're so intense it's as if they're a mirror that reflect everything that he feels he swallow my soul with them

He cupped my cheek with his free hand, his eyes never straying from mine. Are you sure that you want me to make love to you tonight, Odango? I don't want to take advantage of you while you're intoxicated, he peered down at me, mixed emotions flickering within his eyes.

Tilting my head up, I claimed his lips in another kiss. My hands fiddled with the buttons on his dress shirt, coaxing a few loose.

I am sure. I can't wait any longer for this

A groan from him made my insides become even more enflamed than before after I cupped him through his dress pants.

So I started, shocking us both with my climbing on top of him to pin him down, Seiya Kou, take me and make me yours. Make love to me until I can't even remember my name.

I grinded against him, kissing on his neck. Take me make love to me Im all yours Forever and al-WAYS! I yelped the last part, finding myself being pinned to the bed. My lips locked with his in another intense battle of dominance. I busied my hands with unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.

You're so soft so beautiful so alluring he murmured against my cleavage before moving his face over to one of my pink nubs to wrap his mouth around it.

I fisted my hands within his hair, moans flowing from my lips like a trail of water.

His teeth and tongue nipped and lathered at my pink nub, making the torrent flooding to my wetness more intense.

Seiya my teeth worried my bottom lip as one of his hands tended to my neglected breast. My legs moved to close around his waist, but he nudged them apart with his knee.

Moving his mouth over to my neglected nipple, he suckled on it like a hungry man. His fingers eased themselves inside of my vagina, making a come-hither against my G-spot that had me cumming within seconds.

Regaining my breath after a long pause, I propped myself up on one of my elbows and reached between us to fumble with his dress pants.

You're still wearing too much, Seiya! I reminded him, successfully (to my surprise) undoing the button on his pants before unzipping them. My lips hungrily claimed his as we eased off his pants and boxers.

He pulled away from me to gaze into my eyes, reaching over to my bedside drawer for a condom. Are you still sure about this? he asked once again and searched my eyes for any signs of hesitation.

My answer came in the form of me pulling him closer to me, winding my legs around his waist, and kissing him heatedly as everything fell into place

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