Careless Whisper

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You will see his true colors once again ..

You will see his true colors once again ...

You WILL see his true colors once AGAIN!!

Kept on echoing within my head weeks after my last encounter with Haruka-san. I dont know why I'm allowing myself to let her words get to me, but I can't help feeling as if somewhere deep down that she's right about Seiya.

I've been fighting with myself a lot to not succumb to Haruka-san's warnings because I know ... I know that he loves me just as much as I love him and that he won't do anything to break my heart ... at least not intentionally.

I know that he's a good man with a beautiful soul, who'd do just about anything for me ... Anything ... But I can't help feeling as if ...

I let out a sigh, leaning my head against the shower wall as the water trickled down my skin. "What have you gotten yourself into this time, Usagi?"

I closed my eyes, just allowing myself to enjoy the steady stream of water easing down my spine. I didn't even notice when my shower door slid open and close before I found myself being wrapped up in two loving arms.

"Penny for your thoughts?" chimed Seiya, giving my right shoulder a kiss. "I can hear your thoughts from across the apartment."

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I turned around within his embrace to trail my fingers across his lips. "I'm sorry, I've just had a lot of thoughts in my head lately is all, " I said, giving him a chaste kiss.

He eyed me with skepticism. "There's nothing to be sorry about, Odango. It's natural for you to have a lot of thoughts; you're only human, " he cooed to me, claiming my lips in another kiss.

"Now, tell me what exactly is bothering you. Maybe I could be of assistance to you to ease that pretty little head of yours before it explodes, " Seiya teased and gave me a wink as he took the time to start bathing me with my body wash.

A shiver ran down my spine after he brought the rag across my breasts. "So what do you want to know?" I managed out in a moan, feeling his reaction to that sound against my leg.

Seiya hummed as he took care of washing my arms and abdomen for me. "You can start by letting me know what has been bothering you lately enough for you to avoid me until last night."

Damn! I should have figured that he would've seen through my ploy of being busy! Stupid Usagi!

I bit my bottom lip, my eyes drifting away from his to look at the tile pattern in the shower.

"Hey! Back up here!" he ordered, gently but firmly turned my face back to face him. His eyes softened slightly as he spoke again, "Talk to me, Odango. We agreed on this when we got back together months ago. I can handle whatever it is."

My teeth gnawed at my bottom lip as dread filled my entire being.

He is your boyfriend, Usagi. Don't let bad communication mess you guys up again like before! Talk it out with him and see what happens from there!

I nearly pouted at how that sounded suspiciously like Rei-chan nagging me this time.

But you know that I'm right, idiot! So start talking before he leaves!

I let out a sigh and leaned my forehead against Seiya's chest. "Haruka-san brought up a concern that has me shook to my core, Seiya, " I managed out, more shivers running down my spine at how he was washing my back.

Seiya frowned and brought the rag across my buttcheeks. "What concerns did Ten'ou-san felt the need to grace you with? Whatever she said, it's invalid because she doesn't know shit, " he said, his irritation and anger radiating off of him in waves.

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