I'm Not Being Elusive With You

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"So ... You and Seiya-san are back together I see, " teased Minako-chan as soon as I sat the booth with her and the rest of the girls days later.

I sat my purse down beside me. My eyes rolling at my friends' overly eager expressions. "Not in the way you guys think. We're only testing the waters, " I snapped, taking a sip of my preordered drink that Mako-chan most likely got for me.

Rei-chan snorted, "Not from what we heard when we called you days ago on your phone, Usagi." A sly grin across her face as she inched towards me.

Mako-chan and Minako-chan had equally sly grins across their own faces as they joined in with Rei-chan at teasing me over my new ... arrangements with Seiya.

"How good is he in bed?"

"How big is he?"

"How many orgasms did he give you?"

I could literally feel a flush settling across my heated skin at their questions. My mouth agape at Ami's question about how well-endowed Seiya is.

Well, she and Taiki-san do have sex very often whenever the Lights do come back in town so her sexual confidence is just about ... Supernova-sized by now.

I had to hold back a giggle at that thought. A smirk spreading across my lips as I took another sip of my drink.

"Okay, okay, I'll answer you guys' questions if you'd just quiet down already, " I snickered, watching as they all visibly calmed down. Their eyes on me as if I were some kind of deity or whatever.

Well, you are in a way since you've snagged Seiya Kou once again for the second time in your life!

Holding in another giggle at that thought as well, I continued, "So what do you guys want to know first?"

"How big he is!" squawked Minako, her excitement barely contained as she bounced up and down in her seat.

I blushed and started, "Well ... he is ...." My mind turning back to a few days ago ....


"Oh ... Seiya ..." I whimpered beneath him as he suckled on one of my pebbles. My hand stroking him through his jeans.

Seiya had me sitting on top of my kitchen counter minutes after our earlier kiss escalated to a full blown session of ... consensus adult fun.

He groaned when I grasped him through his jeans. His hips bucking against my own as we continued our frenetic petting like a bunch of high schoolers.

I felt his hand drifting down the front of my lace panties. His fingers gliding up and down between my swollen lips. My hips rising up to meet his hand to press myself up against him.

I shoved his face away from my breasts even though I wanted nothing more than to keep him right there for as long as I had breath within my body. But I really needed him to know that I wasn't going to just simply fall into bed with him like his groupies did during our high school days.

Easing my hand down his boxers and squeezing on his dick hard enough to make him hiss, I glared up at him. "Don't you even think that I'll let you fuck me anytime soon. I still haven't forgotten about what happened years ago, " I managed out between pants, returning his gaze as he eyed me calmly.

His fingers started to drift beneath my panties. His gaze not faltering away from my face as he breathed against my lips, "I know, but that doesn't mean we can't fool around like we did before. I'm still keeping my promise to you from years ago regarding our first time together."

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