Second Day | DaiSuga

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        "Daichi, can you come down and help me with the box of ornaments?" I heard Koushi call from the basement. I had just finished sweeping up the false "pine leaves" that fell of the christmas tree while we were building it.

        "Alright. Give me a second!" I called back, leaning the broom against the wall.

        As I made my way down the steps, the sound of "Jingle Bells" playing from Koushi's iPhone got fainter and fainter, and the sound of thuds, grunts, and jingles got louder.

        "I can't pick it up. It's too heavy." Koushi chuckled once I got downstairs.

          I shivered slightly at the cold air around me. "Haha, how many ornaments do we have in this box anyways?"

        Koushi smiled nervously. "Way too many."

        I positioned myself on the opposite side of where Koushi stood, my hands underneath the cardboard box labeled "ORNAMENTS" in Koushi's neat writing.

        "Okay, on three. One. . . two. . . three!" I counted, and we both hoisted the box up. It was still surprisingly heavy, but I tried not to show my struggling.

       "Is it just me. . . or does this box seem a little bit. . . heavier than last year?" Koushi's strained voice asked.

        "Nah, you're right. It is a, uh, a little bit heavier." I said. It took all of my strength not to show any sign of weakness in my voice. "You'd think we'd get used to it by now. . . how many years have we been living together?"

        "Mm, 8 in March."

        "Okay, uh, who's going backwards?" I asked once we got to the steps.

        "I'll go. Just, don't go too fast or I might get hurt." Koushi offered.

        I smirked. "That sounds just like what you said last night."

       Koushi's eyes widened, then narrowed, his cheeks a shade of pink. "If I didn't have this box in my hands, I'd smack you."

        I chuckled at his embarrassment. "Alright, Alright. I'll take it slow," I said, and Koushi positioned himself at the bottom of the steps.

        "Okay. . . easy, easy. Don't lose your balance. . ." I said. Koushi slowly placed one foot after the other onto the steps behind him while managing to keep the box steady. He stuck out his tongue--something he does when he's extremely focused on something.

        He's so cute.

       Once both of us got to the top of the steps, we carefully placed the box on the couch and sat down, letting out an exhausted sigh.

        "Whew, that was challenging." Koushi said, shaking his hands to relieve the tension.

       "Yeah, you're right." I said back.

        Koushi stood back up and sat on my lap, his arms snaking around my neck. He leaned in for a gentle kiss, and I returned it equally.

        "I love you, Daichi," Koushi said with a tender smile. I ran my hand along the small of his back before replying,

       "I love you too. Now," I added after a beat, "Come on, let's start decorating!"

      I wrapped my arms around Koushi's slim waist and as I stood up, he was thrown over my shoulder.

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