Fourth Day | BokuAka

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        Bokuto and I sat on the roof of his house, peacefully watching the stars in the night sky. He had brought up a beige, furry blanket to wrap ourselves with. The temperture outside wasn't that cold, but we decided we should bring it just for that added warmth.

        My head rested on Bokuto's shoulder and his rested on the top of my head. We both enjoyed each other's presence. Just sitting there next to my boyfriend was enough to make me happy.

        As I continued to gaze up, I thought about all the events that occurred to me that past week.

        Bokuto and I were together every single day. We watched cheesy movies, cuddled at night, went out on cute mall dates, and even did some random things like trying to find a flower that looked like each other's personality. We both ended up tumbling in the long grass and I made Bokuto a flower crown.

        Everything was perfect.

        "Hey, Bo?" I asked softly, not wanting to disrupt the relaxing mood around us.


        I gently moved my head off his shoulder to look at him, directly in his chocolate eyes. "I, uh, I want to thank you for this past week. I really love spending time with you, Bo," I said, kind of hoping that the darkness surrounding us would hide the blush that was probably all across my face. "I really love you."

        Bokuto looked at me, but I couldn't feel the same warmth in his eyes that I felt the past week. Instead, there was discomfort, almost pain.

        "Akaashi," Bokuto said, avoiding my eyes, "I have something to tell you, too."

        I shifted positions, my heart now speeding up in the wrong way. "Yeah? What is it?"

        Bokuto took a deep breath, then looked at me. At the same time, however, it felt like he wasn't actually doing so.

        "I'm breaking up with you."

        At that very moment, I forgot to breathe.


        "I'm moving away. I won't be in Japan anymore. My family decided that we should move to America, since they're both Financial Consultants. I don't have much say in the matter--"

        I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't grasp it--no, I didn't want to grasp it.

        "Wait, wait! You're leaving? How long will you be gone?!" I asked, unintentionally raising my voice.

        "I-I dont know. Three years? Maybe four."

        I could already feel my voice cracking as I said, "W. . . We don't have to break up! We can just maintain a long-distance relationship!"

        Bokuto ran his fingers through his hair, biting his lip. "No, Akaashi, we can't. I don't want to put you through that. You can easily find someone else after I leave. You'll be fine."

        "No!" I shouted, tears now blurring my vision. I didn't look up at Bokuto, but I'm sure he was surprised at my sudden outburst. Hell, I was even surprised. "I don't want someone else! I want you!"

        I felt the hot liquid drip down my cheeks, and I wiped them. My head hung low as I let out a couple sniffs. "Please. . ." I whispered, my voice cracking, "This can work. . ."

        Bokuto swiftly stood up, managing to keep his balance because of the countless times he's stood on the slanted roof. "Don't make this harder than it already is," he sighed, then continued speaking. "Come with me. I have something to give you."

        I reluctantly stood up and followed Bokuto, leaving the blanket covered in memories behind. We stepped back into the house from the window. Bokuto rummaged through his dresser before pulling out a small box with a red wrapping paper. On a name tag, I recognized that my name was written in Bokuto's slightly messy writing.

        Bokuto handed it to me, a sad smile on his face. "Don't open this until Christmas, alright?"

        I nodded, my lightly-shaking hands taking the box from him. "Alright. . ."

        I wiped my face for what felt like the millionth time that night, and tried to calm myself down. I couldn't handle the embarrassing state I was in and I just wanted to get away. "Uh, I should--I should probably get going."

        Bokuto nodded this time. "Yeah, yeah okay."

        We both walked down the stairs inside his house and we both stopped at his front door. He must have sensed or seen my hesitation, because Bokuto did something that confused me even more than I already was.

        Bokuto looked at me, then gently put his hands at the top back area of my head. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

        "Akaashi, you'll be fine."

        I didn't make any eye contact. I barely even moved. It was only after a couple of beats that I forced myself to turn around and walk out of Bokuto's house, mumbling a small, "Bye"

        I heard the door behind me close. As soon as it did, my walk turned into a jog, which turned into a sprint. I ran and ran all the way until I reached my house.

        I almost broke the hinges of the door as I violently swung the door open. Thankfully, nobody was home to see me in my horrible state. I ran upstairs, two steps at a time, then into my room where I slammed the door shut.

        I immediately fell onto my bed, grabbing the pillow and burying my face into it.

        I can't believe it. . . Why would he do all those things just to eventually break up with me?!

        My chest; It hurt so bad. I don't know what caused the pain, though; the fact that Bokuto didn't tell me anything ahead of time, the idea of Bokuto finding some American girl to date, or just the thought that Bokuto didn't believe in us enough to continue our relationship even if we were in different countries.

        Nonetheless, I came to one conclusion that night;

        Heartbreak hurts like a bitch.

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