🌈Funneh POV💫
Today at school I'm going to give Valerie a piece of my mind and get revenge even though I erased it but still!
But then what am I'm going to do...? Ooh how about a prank but then what kind of prank should I do then...?
Maybe with her boyfriend, Senpai... Nah Valerie might break up with him I will just ask Gold I mean Gold told her crush! Even though I've been friends with her longer yea I will ask her.🌠Gold POV🌟
well better tell Funneh that we had to get to sch- "Gold!" yelled Funneh "yea?" "can I ask you something?" "at school" replied Gold say as fast as she can
⭐️ Funneh POV 💧
"so Gold something weird happened and involves with Valerie and I want to get revenge on her and I want to do a prank-" "on her and what prank you should do on her " Gold interrupt "yea" Funneh replied "how about take some play doh and make it look like gum" "yea I'm going to that" Say Funneh with a hint of happiness in her voice "wait" say gold looking down "we don't have play doh" "oh I have some in my backpack don't ask
Prank time!
"Hey Valerie," say Funneh trying not to sound suspicious "yea,?" Valerie said while turning around "sorry I erased that Photo I want to apoligize here" right after Valerie took the gum chewed and then threw up
sorry the prank is so boring I couldn't think of it really I just watched this video
also music
Music: counting stars

Falec and Kold (COMPLETE)
RomanceThere are Gold and Funneh who fall in love with 2 boys