so so sorry I haven't updated this week I just didn't feel like since well I'm alway tired but next chapter is going to be on Friday and yes I know it Friday the 13th but it because that my ☄️ birthday🔥.
so yay but then it so unlucky but one thing I think is so weird is last year (2016) it was on Wednesday so why is it on Friday now but anyway story time.
3rd person
Funneh was spending time with Alec and also blushing. Ever since the incident, Gold spend more time with Kyran she told Funneh that he acted more dreamy but then more girls fell for him so Gold is all so protecting him.
Alec POV
Prom was coming and I want to choose Funneh to come with me. This will be the first time I will ask my mom/mum for money, Ayano (Yandere) fired me. Ayano said she got two new boys, one has white hair (just remind me of Travis well any boy with white hair remind me of him)and other had well I don't remember but his name start with the letter "P" but whatever how am I going to m- Funneh waved her hand in front of Alec, Alec blushed and said sorry.
Next day
Funneh POV
Funnneh was walking in the hallway she saw Alec. He was with a girl that looked like Kiana but longer hair and shorter, Funneh looked jealous. When Alec and the girl got to their class, Alec hugged the girl and went inside the class. Funneh started crying and ran to the bathroom/washroom /restroom (why so many names) on her way, Kiana saw her and right after Funneh.
Kiana POV
Why is Funneh crying? When they got to the bathroom/washroom /restroom, Funneh ran into a stall and slammed the door on Kiana. Kiana's nose started bleeding, she ran to a ___________ (that thing that holds the paper towels) and (warning will look weird) took one and ripped it and put in her nose so it will won't bleed on her clothes. She then transformed, (wired a were-cat that has some paper towels stuck up its nose, okay I will shut up) Kiana went under the door and transformed back into human form. Kiana said in a calm voice "why are you crying?" "I saw Alec with some other girl and he hugged her" How am I'm going to keep this a secret? then after a few seconds, Kiana then said: "Funneh c'mon it just one time it not like he will ask her to prom" Funneh then yelled "Prom!" Funneh ran out of the stall and the bathroom she saw a poster that looked like this:
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(it not going to be in June and not the same school)
Kiana came out of the bathroom with the towel was gone and said let get to class.
When they got there class Funneh and Kiana sat across from Alec, Alec looked a little sadder by Funneh actions. When they practice their music Funneh made all the music in the room sadder and have everyone have a wave sadness hit them.
Next day (Saturday)
Alec POV
Aly told Alec that she had a friend that had space for them to practice (yes I'm not going to tell what they are doing but u could guess) in their garage and they also have microphones. Alec nodded and said they are going there now, They walked to Aly friend house since it was across the street. Aly said that her friend was named Melissa and we can come here anytime. Alec nodded but knew he didn't have to. They started doin' their thing
Song: in the name of love
Melissa was watching while they were singing at the exactly the same time and Aly was louder by a lot so she told Alec to sing louder and at the end say "will go out to prom with me?" and also she called Kiana to come since she put the music up.
Kiana POV
A girl in my class called me and said to come to her house. She said Aly and Alec were there so I came. Kiana walked to Melissa house when she got there she was so tired, I didn't know dorms and houses were so far apart.