Funneh explained to everyone in the cafeteria what happened and the teachers figure out what happen they called the police and FBI to investigate. Funneh and Kiana went to the nurse office where Kyran dead body was. Funneh was calming down Gold and same with others Funneh caught glimpses of a water bottle it reminded her of her dad because it was the shape of a potion bottle. So you see Funneh dad is a scientist and last she saw him he was making a potion of how to bring things back to life so once Funneh thought about that she went out of the office and took her phone out of her pocket to call him. Her dad picked up and said, "hello who's there?" "Funneh" "oh hello sweetheart"
Alec POV
I wonder where Funneh is going? Alec open the slightly and peeked over the door and saw Funneh on the phone, he closed the door and from inside he put his ear against the wall he heard her talking on the phone. He heard say Funneh and he slightly heard "oh hello sweetheart" once he heard that he thought oh she has a boyfriend he then went over to Kyran and started crying so he could get an excuse to cry. But Kyran being dead also got to his mind everyone was really shocked but even when he shed a few they were surprised Kiana then started reading his mind.
Kiana POV
Kiana finished reading his mind she held out her hand to lead him into the bathroom connected to the office he closed the door and asked "I know why are suddenly crying" Alec looked at Kiana and said in a raspy voice "you really know?" "you're feelings for Funneh, yes" "and I also know something about Funneh" "yes?" "she also likes you" Alec had a huge grin and jumped really high he was about to do it again but a frown appeared on his face Kiana was confused, "I think she has a boyfriend" "okay correct that sentence! (correct that spelling first) I know she does not have a boyfriend" "how?" said Alec looking down "do you know how I know you had feelings for her well I have another power that I can read minds but anyway why do you think she has one?" "she was on the phone and the person on the other end called her sweetheart".
Kiana opens the door and went to the wall she placed her wolf ears on the wall and heard Funneh say "thanks, dad". Kiana told Alec what she heard and he had a huge grin.
my sleeping schedule is messed up

Falec and Kold (COMPLETE)
RomanceThere are Gold and Funneh who fall in love with 2 boys