I love writing one-shots oh also I might NOT do a Falec one since I already did one for Christmas and I want to save the ideas for my new book (which I'm only updating after this one is finished) and my book has 2K views well probably more once I publish this (wait! is that showing off? if it is I'm sorry)
2/14/17 (I'm going to start putting dates in)
Gold was walking on the beach but from a far Kyran was spying on her, Funneh knew all about the spying and told him one time "you are like that character in that game I think she is called Yandere/Ayano". Kyran could agree but he couldn't get over the killing part.
But anyway, Kyran was spying on Gold but then a light from the water was coming towards, Kyran recognizes it. Earlier that day he was reading a manga but somehow he saw a theory that in some places light will appear in the water and could mean something special. Kyran didn't take the chance so he ran to Gold... But it was too late. Also even worse right after the light formed from the water and wave also formed so yeah. The light and water was so close to Gold but then the two objects(?) circled each other and formed into a human-like being. It splashed a potion on Gold and Gold fell down from the impact. The weird thing the shouted "You wanted this, Kyran!!!" before disappearing and the voice fading away, (ugh, I love faded and Alan Walker actually every single piece of music of his) Kyran ran to Gold and fell to his knees.
I looked at Gold's eyes that shined brightly, I mean like to me they always shined but her eyes shined really bright right now I'm surprised I'm not blind yet. After like not even 2 seconds passed and Gold's eyes turned white and back into her normal eyes, with the right amount of shine of course and closed them.
Gold still didn't wake up and it been thirty minutes but she suddenly woke up with heart pupils. Gold sat up and whispered, "ugh, where am I?" While looking down, She then looked up at me with bigger heart pupils (WARNING! DIFFERENT PERSONALITY) "Hello, who are you?" Gold said in a softly "oh, how silly me of me" Gold said while her hand in front of her mouth then giggling, "you're my senpai". I blushed so much that I bet anyone could they see from the moon. Gold giggled again "you're so cute", I blushed a darker shade (if that even possible) (hey did you see that wasn't me). Wait! I thought Gold is going to become like Meghan! Stupid potion. "hey, before we going anywhere you are going to me my girlfriend," I told Gold that because we were going to her and Funneh's dorm and I didn't want her to think I was Funneh's boyfriend that just disgusting. "Yay! Also, where are we going?" Gold asked. "we are going to my friend's dorm, I need to talk to after you can be friends with her" Gold nodded and we left.
💗♥💞💝TiMe SkIp💝💞♥💗
ThIrD pErSoN
Kyran bolted to where Funneh was and panicked of what happened to Gold and somehow find a cure. Funneh laughed so hard, "Kyran w-we pranked y-you," Funneh said while trying to hold in laughs but h e also heard a few laughs outside he ran to the room where Gold was. She explained how they did it. Gold first said Funneh told her that Kyran spied on her and she decided to do a prank so they went to a witch shop and got potions and... yadda yadda. (I was too lazy). Kyran then he asked, "a-are you s-still my girlfriend?" Gold hugged Kyran "of course I basically said yes" Gold then kissed Kyran and he kissed and Funneh left feeling disgusted.
word count - 662

Falec and Kold (COMPLETE)
RomantikThere are Gold and Funneh who fall in love with 2 boys