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Music: Stereo Heart

"wait Kyran can we keep our relationship a secret I don't want Funneh to know she make fun of me" "ok sweetheart"  Gold hugged Kyran and they walked together to class while Prince is still glaring at the new couple.

Prince POV

ugh, stupid Kyran I was going to get Gold back I'm so stupid to try to be Felica boyfriend as be Gold boyfriend (Felica left Prince and went to find Brittney) "I wish Kyran was dead" "hmm I hear some say they want their enemy dead" Prince turned around and saw Yandere. Yandere then continued  "do you know all the girls who been Kai's girlfriend-" "wait" Prince interrupt who is Kai? and yes" "well" Yandere explained that Kai is Senpai and she killed all those girls. Prince was about to yell monster! but Yandere covered his mouth and said "do you want to kill Kyran or not" Prince nod and Yandere told him he can now call her Ayano.

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