3rd person
Kiana and Funneh walking to there class and they went in the class (the teacher in the last chapter is this teacher) Funneh sat in the seat next to Alec and Alec scratched behind her ear and Funneh purred. (i need to learn more things about my favorite animals) The teacher said "Kiana please introduce your self " "well she already said but my name is Kiana and I'm a were-cat also if you see Funneh is a kitsune" everyone looked at Funneh and Funneh blushed from attention.
"hey Gold and Kiana" they both replied "yeah" Funneh then said that she realized Noah wasn't in class and Gold said "I heard everyone say that Noah got expelled" then Funneh got on her and shouted "yayyyyyyyyy!" everyone looked and Funneh jumped down embarrassed but Funneh heard a chuckle and Funneh turned around it was Alec she was now 5 times embarrassed then before he then said "you're so cute" and then she blushed and Kiana offer Alec to sit with them and he did then Kyran came and Kiana did the same so now both girls were blushing and Kiana clapped her hands (it a problem).
Kiana POV
Kiana was on her way to class and Funneh was in the bathroom. Kiana was then pinned on the wall by Felicia she started punching her in the face she also scratched her with her long sharp nails then Kiana yelled "what heck is that for! and also are you some cat! you're like some angry that angry for no reason Funneh then saw Kiana pinned by Felicia and was about to do something but Kiana used her tail and pointed to a classroom and Funneh got the message and ran the classroom. While Felicia pulled on Kiana tail Kiana transformed and ran to her next class
Music class
3rd person
The teacher said today that today before they will do a lesson Kiana would sing so Kiana went to the front Also a boy name (hmmmmmmmmm....) Evan helped.
Music: Little did you know
The teacher was impressed and said "just as good as Funneh!"
End of School
"hey Funneh" said Alec "yes" "do you want to have a sleepover " "sure!" Funneh said happily and then Kyran did the same and same response. Then Kiana said "awww well have a good time I will just have a sleepover with the ghosts" nut then out of no where Evan came and said do you want to have a sleepover and well Kiana said yes.

Falec and Kold (COMPLETE)
RomanceThere are Gold and Funneh who fall in love with 2 boys