Chapter One: Orientation

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To anyone who knows me in real life: Hi! You will see that I based the orientation ritual thing off of what ours actually was this year because I liked it also I'm not creative enough to come up with something different lol... everything else isn't really based on anything specific, although I do like to base my characters off of real people. Briar is mostly based off of me. The other characters are either loosely based off of someone or just their own character. The layout of the school is similarly set up, but I changed a few sections around to kinda jazz it up. Events during and all after orientation are either loosely based off of real events, or not at all. Especially Briar's romance. I have none of that.
Happy reading!
The beginning of the story. How nice. Wait, am I the main character? Is this where I introduce myself?

Well, my name is Briar, and I am going into 9th grade. I'm pretty scared for orientation, to say the least. I've barely seen any of my friends over the summer and I'm nervous to see how everyone will react to being back together.

I'm especially worried about seeing my ex for the first time since eighth grade. He and I had several fights over summer and it was never the same. I finally took initiative and said it was over. I'm still into him, which is my big problem. He never liked that I was clingy, and my actions over the summer pushed him over the edge. My mental health is honestly not the best right now, and I think that being with him made it worse. It's been better since I officially broke it off, but my anxiety is higher then ever. This orientation is going to be a roller-coaster of emotions, I can already tell.
I walk into the bathroom to look in the mirror. Same old me. Dull hazel green eyes and fluffy hair. I run my hand through my tangled hair and sigh.
I should just straighten it. I think to myself.
So I do. But it takes an hour.
Once I'm finally done, I shake my head. I probably should've planned ahead. I decide to braid it to one side. Now what? I remember the earrings my mother got me for my birthday a few months previous. The small earrings resemble arrows. I put them in my ears, adjust them so they face forward, and look back in the mirror. Makeup. I smile. Rifling through my makeup bag, I pull out foundation, my eye-shadow pallet, mascara, eyeliner, and a foundation brush and I get to work.

Once I'm finished, I check my phone. Just a few Instagram notifications. I tap in my code and pull up my conversation. My best friend Scarlet and I were talking about orientation and when she would get there. I haven't seen her in a while, probably not since school ended. I respond to her and then exit out to take a few selfies. I look awful in the camera... which is probably because my phone is an old model and the camera sucks. But I find one I like decent enough and post it. Then I grab my favorite necklace- a flower locket- and put it on.

 Then I grab my favorite necklace- a flower locket- and put it on

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///(Kinda what Briar looks like ^^^)///

My mom pokes her head around the corner. "Are you about done yet?" she asks, exasperated.

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