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    I was bored, as usual, and was reading some zodiac things. Seeing one about my sign made me think about how complicated procrastination makes my life.

    You see, I tend to constantly have work to do but the chance I'll actually do it is super low.

                 Because I'll procrastinate.
                                 A lot lol.
   Remember science fair? How you had one every year starting from I think 3rd grade to 8th?


                       I only ever did it once

   The worst part is that every year I had a plan and everything but I always said the same thing after:
           "Uhhh.....meh I'll do it tomorrow"

   NOPE.WRONG. NEVER DID. Then came the day before the science fair. I remember what happened in 6th grade so clearly. Sigh it makes me feel so stupid:

   "Oh uhhh.....gawd. I can make a quick project on....I don't know...water??"
   "Yeah, I can just make 3 glasses of water one with salt, one with sugar and one without anything..."
                         ~2 Hours Later~

              *looks at science notebook*
               *Throws it into the trash*

     I always look back at that moment and awkwardly laugh it off knowing I done goofed.

    And the thing is that I've gotten into worst situations from putting it off to the point were you do a half-a**ed job or just give up entirely.

    I'm positive the reason my teachers had and still do put up with me is because I'm a straight "A" student and they think I'm too nice to have a talking with.

                       Moral of the story?

     You can take its as "don't be me and.    procrastinate"

                           But let's face it.

    I'm pretty sure none of us are going to.      

   Procrastinating is just too sweet to give up.

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