So day 2 of the New Year (Happy late New Year BTW!) annnnd I'm thinking out my resolutions.
In all honesty, pretty sure I'm not even going to do them but I like keeping the "tradition" and it's oddly fun to see how long that New Year promise lasts.
The Resolutions I make always consist of "Good Grades, Draw Better, Be Less Lazy, and Become a better person all together"
But I only follow the first 2 like it's second nature and always somehow manage to become that clueless jerk who hurts someone's feelings.
Of course I apologize once I realize how stupid I am (feeling like poo while doing so =v=) but still. That's a no no.~
So! For once in my life, gonna take these resolutions serious.....cough cough...excluding the uhh...lazy part
Telling me to not be lazy would be like ripping my soul out~
But without further adieu my official Resolution List!:
-Learn how to not burn down the Kitchen
-Draw even better (cause it's literally my life)
-Become a gooder person at all costs (yup, gooder)
-Meh good grades I guess
-Eat less Sweets (haaaaaaah almost impossible to ask, that's my HP source we're talking about....;-;)Well that's about it!Hah wish me luck...definitely gonna need it =v=;;;
Those Random Thoughts
AléatoireHave you ever wondered or done.....Who am I kidding, of course you haven't... =ω=; WELCOME TO BRAINROT HELL YOU'RE STUCK HERE