Just a Nightmare

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  I've been have more "Nightmares" as of late. I mean I'm all for nightmares every now and then but I already rarely have actual dreams. To think my days would start consisting of my waking up in a confused sweaty mess...

  I had considered talking about my first dream so I typed it somewhere. For now, I feel I like I should tell you about the one I just had before I forget.

   You see... I didn't remember the entire thing.I know that the charaters in the dream reminded me of Alice and wonderland. But the person I was in the dream definitely wasn't me. I of course couldn't see my face but he was alot older, more built as well. Anyways with further ado...the dream:

   He was in a large box with 2 twins, a tall one and a short one. Both were reminiscent of Cheshire cat.
   He asked "Are you two introverts?". The Tall nodded enthusiastically and replied "Yes! We most definitely are". The man then pressed on and inquired, " Why? Have you both ever actually talked people??"The question seemed to upset the shorter child.
    Her face grew unpleasant and scrunched up all the while getting Older. It was odd but as it was happening....The taller girl's face became younger...
  The petit child stood up, stepped out the box with her patched up teddy bear in hand and dashed to the scarlet rose garden before planking face first into the grass, never moving a muscle.
  The Taller one looks towards him and apologizes " Sorry sir...we've only ever talked to a momma...and she...well" She pulls out a porcelain doll and tells the dire story. (I don't recall what happened...but trying remember makes me feel uncomfortable)
   As the tale finishes the twins and the man appear before a door. "Can you do us a favor?" it's asked in unison, spoken in a slow pace. He strangely doesn't hesitate despite this "Yes." The girls tilt their head and point at the door, "Kill Momma."
  The older male then looks towards a long crimson spike. It looked as of it was a icicle formed from blood. He took it and the door creeped open....
  It revealed a grotesque mess on the ceiling. A face similar to a womans but no normal human could possibly tell. The eyes drooped from the sockets. It's face was stuck in the horrid red stickness surrounding it. I saw bones forming arms and legs but it's stomach still had flesh. Acid and intestines spilled from the belly. Every now and then pus would bulge out from bizarre places.

  It was disgusting and give him...me more reason to kill it.

  He gripped the spike and positioned it. The older twin held out their fingers "3...2...On-" He stabbed into it's skull.

The man was too eager.

  Blood and other gross fluids gushed onto him but he pushed forward, walking through the door. The body fell but lifted itself up. It looked at him and screeched "Yoouuu.....you don't... DESERVE ME!" he tried to reach for the doorknobs in hasty matter but his hands were too slippery.
  That thing...it grabbed him and pushed him through the door sending excruciating pain into his body. The door shut as he hit whatever that was behind him and the twins looked towards him. The little one offered the end of her black dress to him. He takes it and whips his face before the girl pushes him away shouting, "Stay away from me!!!"The lengthier of the two walks off and tells him to follow. He does.
  They make it to a road filled with children playing in the middle of the night. "This isn't my reality" says the man but the twins don't reply. They stand in the road watching him. 
  A random child eyes him "Yes it is, stupid". For some reason it just...those words anger him. He begins to strangle what seemed to be a 6 year old and looked towards the twins. That man lifts the tot by the neck and walks towards them. He crushes to little boy's. The twins look up at him and synchronize "Welcome"
....I wake up

I don't know much of what happened before this but I do know there were more characters and that that man had slowly lost his sanity...


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