Chapter 6 - What Happened?

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Pythagoras POV

What happened? One minute I was following Jason the next I'm face flat down in a puddle of, what I hope is, water. I got up but a shooting sensation pained my right leg as I crashed back down again, my body slamming against the ground. Pain was everywhere now. My legs, my arms, my head. I knew I must call for help,

"Help! I have fallen down and broken my body!"

No-one replied. I continued to shout until my throat was dry and my voice croaky. Why did I always give Hercules the water? He's probably drunk it all by now anyway. 

I attempt to regain my balance but everywhere is dark and my head is throbbing now more than ever. What will I do? I'm lost in Medusa's cave! It's quiet and all I can hear is my heavy breathing. I put my hand to my leg when I feel something wet pouring from the ankle. Blood. This is a serious injury and if I don't get up now I won't make it out of here alive. 

That's when I hear the footsteps. The sound of boots crashing down in puddles. Cloaks swishing against the water. Voices muttering curses and chants. That's when I realise I am not alone. I fumble around inside my pocket for my knife, the one Jason gave me for a time such as this. Matematically I could never defeat them as I am only 1 and they are of many but I wasn't going to give up that easily. 

I looked up where I saw a pale face, covered by the hood of their cloak, glaring back at me. Removing their hood I noticed it was an old woman looking at me. She was holding a gold wine glass in her hand and a curved knife in the other. I sat up, wincing from the pain.

"Drink this," she handed me the glass. Inside was a deep scarlet liquid reflecting my image back at me. I looked up at her when she glanced down at the knife then back at me, "or die" 

Although I did not know what the liquid was I gulped it down as quickly as possible for the fear of being murdered terrified me. 

"Who are you?" I questioned them.

They all began to laugh. Booming, chuckling and screaching echoed through the cave,

"We are the sisterhood of the Gorgons," The woman infront of me said. I felt me head get heavy as I splutered out the words,


The drink - it was a poison - to make me sleepy. 

"Night Night Pythagoras" 

Confused fluttered through my body "How do they know my name?" I asked myself. My eyes shut and everything was dark. 

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