Chapter 8 - Journey to the centre of the cave

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Jason's POV

Surrounded in darkness I help out my hands, fumbling my way through the darkness. I was scared as I knew what this cave held within it at the further in I shuffled, the closer I got.

As I shuffled along the only noise to be heard was that of my shoes splashing the puddles and my hands brushing against the rocky walls.

Suddenly I heard other footsteps nearing closer and closer. Not just one persons but two - or more - every step edging closer to me. Now they were whispering, no muttering to one another, it sounded as if the were complaining.

Slowly I lowered my hands where I fingered the knife tied around my belt and holding it firmly by the handle turned around and charged out behind me.

To my suprise no one was there. It seemed as though I was alone but then a thought struck my mind the shadows maybe they lurk there.

I began to wave my knife around shouting, "I know your there. In the shadows. Come out!" 

"Psst. Jason!" Out of the shadows an all to familiar voice was calling to me. 


"Jason over here", his head popped out from behind a shadow,"we need to find Pythagoras!" 

I scurried over to Hercules and saw the Doctor was with him, pacing up and down in the shadows whispering to himself.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

Hercules looked at me, " He's panicking because he only just realised that Pythagoras had been kidnaped!"

"What?!" I replied, " , I knew he was missing but I didn't realise he'd been kidnaped!"

Both Hercules and the Doctor nodded their heads.

"Where can we find him?"

" Deep in the cave so we better start walking," I began to walk as I spoke.with Hercules, the Doctor continued hushing us, " but quietly! Shush!"

Quietly we all shuffled along towards the centre of the cave preparing to find Pythagoras.

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