Chapter 3 - The Doctor's Arrival

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The Doctor's POV

As soon as I arrived I could tell this mission would be difficult. I hadn't asked to be here, I just told the TARDIS to take me where I'm needed. I didn't quite think that it'd bring me here. Atlantis! In all my years alive I didn't quite think I'd visit this city.

Outside I could hear the door opening as voices muttered to one another and the loud snores of a man shook the ground of the room I was in. The room was bare and looked as though it needed a good dust or vacuum. There was a large rectangular table in the centre of the room and underneath I could see cracks in the wood as if there was a secret door or hideaway.

Then the two men walked in carry a fat man well above his prime between them. He was snoring his head of mumbling something about Medusa.

Medusa. Medusa. Medusa. If the TARDIS did tell me one thing it was that I must save Medusa. But how? Ask I've heard is stories of the serpent-headed, ugly Medusa but surely a drunk old man wouldn't be the love of Medusa?

When they saw me they instantly dropped the man they were casting and their mouths dropped open. Rude, I thought to myself as the men began to walk over to me. They both looked very strange, one was quite weedy with ginger hair who went pale at the sight of me, the other was quite the opposite being muscular with brown hair and rather confident of himself.

I was quite offended by the fact they hadn't heard of me but I suppose they haven't had a chance to really.

The drunk one didn't even notice my presence!

After I had explained my reason for being there I reentered my TARDIS and waited for them to come. I knew they would for no one can resist seeing the inside for themselves!

I sat down and began to read ThelawsofTimeTravel by Professor Brian Cox thinking "this is a load of rubbish of course time travel exists duh?" when I heard a sheepish knock on my door. Beckoning them to enter the door swung open as three familiar faces walked in. I muttered to myself,

"I always like the first reaction. The First reaction is always the best!"

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