Icyeyes pack

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The wind blew, the ground shook, mounds of snow was tossed down the hill and slapped against the ground around the wolves. The leader, Icyeyes, heard howls of panic from his pack. He stared up as the sky was hidden by gray clouds. A crack formed in the ground and he leaped over it to the side opposite his pack. Trees fell, the ground kept shaking. Icyeyes raced around in confusion and tripped on a rock, crashing to the ground, and then everything went black.

Icyeyes blinked slowly as he lifted his head. He shook off snow and swallowed hard as he looked around. None of his pack mates were in sight. But he did see a giant crack in the Earth before him. He stepped forward cautiously and stood at the edge. Squinting, he realized his pack was on the other side! He howled to them and several sleepy heads looked up at him. More snow had settled on his shoulders but he ignore it. He studied his pack. He himself was the Alpha male, but his mate Featherwish was Alpha Female. Her fur was  black, and she had a white star on her forehead. She had amber eyes that glowed like fire in the darkness, and around her neck she had a necklace with a white star hanging from it.

Her brother, the Beta got up and stood next to her with his head held high. His fur was black as well, and he had white paws, but no star on his forehead. Around his neck was a black crescent moon hanging from a necklace.

There was also Leaf. She was Icyeyes and Featherwish's daughter. She looked like Featherwish, but with a white chest, and around her neck was a golden leaf. She was very sweet and soft-spoken. She stood next to her best friend, Fox. Fox was a young red-furred male who was usually cheerful and happy, but now stood, staring at the ground looking crestfallen. Hanging around his neck was a black chain with a key hanging from it. It looked like Leaf was trying to comfort him, but Icyeyes couldn't hear what they were saying.

Silver, Blackmoon's mate was standing, looking furious. She looked a bit like Icyeyes, with silver fur, but they weren't related. Around her neck was a black spiral. She slowly slumped down in the snow, practically blending in.

Featherwish and Blackmoon saw him and ran over to the edge of the crack. Yelling so the words would carry over the great distance between them, they greeted him with howls. When they were finished, Blackmoon broke the silence by muttering. "Well this sucks!"

Featherwish nodded in agreement but Icyeyes rolled his eyes at the ridiculous remark. Featherwish called, "I'm glad you're awake. It's been two days since the storm. We couldn't get to you to wake you up and we were getting really worried."

Two days? Icyeyes sighed. "Well I'm fine now. I see everyone but Russetbone. Where is she?"

Featherwish bowed her head sadly. "She fell off the cliff during the storm. We haven't seen her since." Sadness filled her eyes.

Fox's head shot up and he growled slightly as he snapped, "She isn't dead! You know Russetbone! She wouldn't let a bad fall stop her! I bet she's down there, looking for a way up!"

Icyeyes nodded. "I have to find a way to get to all of you." He muttered. He paused, sizing up the cliff. It was too long to jump, and it didn't look like there was a way around. "I'll have to go down and find a way up on the other side."

It was about fifteen feet to the bottom. He saw a pile of snow at the bottom. He would try to aim for it. He swallowed hard, sizing up the cliff, and jumped.

Icyeyes packWhere stories live. Discover now