Chapter Twenty

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"Thank you for coming." Owl howled.

The wolves gathered around him replied with, 'hi' and 'hello'. Owl examined the group. Some of the wolves were old, but they all were very fit and strong. All of them had many scars, and most had torn ears or bruises. One wolf with white paws stepped forward, looking angry. "You know, I ought to bite off your ears for this! You told us we would win for sure, and we were lucky to get out of there with our tails still in tact!"

Owl fixed him with a cold stare. "Yes, I said that. Because I thought that your fighting skills were good enough to deal with wolves as weak as them!" He began snarling out the words. Leaping off of the rock he'd been sitting on, he stalked towards the white-pawed wolf. Leaning forward so his face was only inches away from the white-pawed wolf's, he spat, "If you're too weak to defeat weaklings like my pack, how will we defeat the other packs? Do you know how many packs there are? If we're planning on defeating them all, we need to be unbeatable! And if five of our wolves can't beat five of theirs, then we're no better than they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed the last couple words. "Did you say, 'I ought to bite off your ears'? Because I ought to claw off yours! You're a disgrace to this pack if you can't beat Icyeyes!"

One of the wolves from the crowd stepped forward. "Now hang on!" He protested. "Icyeyes is a strong, fierce wolf. He's really hard to beat! It's not his fault that he beat them."

Without a word Owl flew at the wolf who'd spoken up. He pinned him down and grabbed the back of his neck in his mouth, biting down hard. He stood up but didn't let go, and he lifted the wolf up. Owl drew himself up to  full height and the wolf's paws dangled a few inches away from the ground. Though Owl's voice was muffled since his mouth was full of fur, all the wolves still understood what he said as he snapped, "You would do well to watch your tone, young wolf! I understand you're just being loyal to your old leader, but I'm your leader now. I will lead you to greatness. I will take over every pack in Antarctica, and Yellowstone!" He released the wolf, who scurried away and hid among the other wolves in the crowd. "You were all in exile, and would have remained so had I not found you. I could've left you there, but I didn't. I gave you directions to our mountain and welcomed you, despite how late you are."

He stared at every wolf in turn. "We have a chance for greatness. We'll be the best pack there is! I'll invite other members of course, but you wolves will always have a special place in the pack because you've been with me since the beginning! Who's ready for greatness? Who will stand with me in the battle against my pack, and any other pack we can find?"

At once every wolf threw back their heads and howled their approval.

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