Part 17

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Cedric had been burnt across his cheek, but it wasn't too serious and Madame Pomfrey soon nursed him back to health. He had a long time to heal; the next task wasn't until February. 

I was told later that day by an ecstatic Hermione that Harry had narrowly survived his Hungarian Horntail's fiery breath and managed to complete the task successfully, coming away with a few burns and scratches from the Horntail's claws. The clue to what the next task would be was hidden inside the golden egg Cedric had retrieved from the first task. I hadn't seen him since I visited him in the hospital wing, so he hadn't told me what the clue was just yet. Either that or he didn't know himself.

It was getting closer and closer to Christmas. Amos and Martha, his wife, had written to Cedric and I, informing us that they were going to Peru for the holidays, so we could stay at Hogwarts. I was alright with that because Zarah was staying too, so I wouldn't be able. Cedric, however, was annoyed with his parents for making such a decision. He thought they would want to see him since he was competing in the Triwizard Tournament. They had congratulated him in the letter and wished him luck, but he still wasn't happy. At least, that's what he'd told me when I visited him in the hospital ward when he told me about the letter he'd received that morning. As I said, I hadn't seen him in weeks.

A few weeks before Christmas, Slytherin house were called to a session with Professor Snape in his potions classroom. It was a Sunday, so we had no lessons and had to attend the meeting after lunch. When we got there, the tables had been moved to the side and the chairs were lined along the room in front of them. Snape separated us in two, so the girls sat on the left and the boys on the right. He stood in between both sides, grimacing at us all; he clearly didn't want to be there. I hadn't spoken to my uncle much either during my time at Hogwarts, I felt like he was avoiding me and I was probably right.

"Now, children. I regret to inform you that, since the Triwizard Tournament is currently being held at Hogwarts, this means that the Yule Ball is being held at Hogwarts, additionally. It is a traditional dance, yes, but none of you will be forced to go, of course. It would be a shame, however, if no one from Slytherin attended, so I expect to see a few faces there" my uncle said. 

I tried to act nonchalantly about the ball like the majority of my house, but I couldn't help but hope that Cedric would ask me to go. I hated the idea of dancing, I was awful at it, but if I was with Ced, my dancing would be the last thing on my mind. 

The entire time my uncle Severus spoke about the ball, I got bored and lost myself in my thoughts. As I was daydreaming and glancing around the room, something rather odd caught my eye. Draco was staring at me from across the room. He wasn't speaking to any of the boys around him, just stared at me relentlessly. He was clearly aware that I had seen him, but it didn't seem to bother him. He refused to look away. I hadn't spoken to him since that night when Moody transfigured him and it had been rather uncomfortable between us. I was relieved when the bell finally rang, indicating that our session was over, so I could escape from his sight for the rest of the day. Draco did unnerve me slightly, I didn't know why he found me so interesting anyway. I was certainly not anything special, just an ordinary witch.

I was the last person to leave the classroom and before I could go, Professor Snape cleared his throat and bellowed my name. 

"Miss Snape, do come here a moment" he ordered in his monotonous voice.

"Yes, professor?" I asked impatiently.

"About the ball, do not get your hopes up for the Diggory boy to ask you to accompany him" he informed me. I felt my heart fall to my feet. How did he know I was pining for him? 

"Oh, why not, may I ask?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice level.  

"I believe he is taking someone else" .

"May I ask who, Professor?"

"Miss Chang, I believe" he answered. I clenched my fist, trying to contain my fury. Chang? Cho Chang? The girl that Harry had been staring at that morning at breakfast? That's who he was taking? He hardly knew her! Severus must be wrong; surely he couldn't be taking Cho Chang!

"Thank you, professor" I said through gritted teeth, starting to exit his classroom. Snape suddenly stopped me again.

"There is another who would rather like to go with you, Miss Snape. Although, I do doubt if he will ask" he informed me. I swiveled around on the spot to face him; I could feel my face burning with rage.

"If he isn't going to ask me, then why are you telling me! What's the point, I mean, what makes you think I wanted to go anyway!" I shouted, my anger overflowing.

"Do not address me like that, Miss Snape. I just didn't want you to think that no one wanted you, that's all. You've been alone too much in your life and now, I would like to change that. In any way that I can". I glared at the floor, feeling like my eyes could burn straight through it, my teeth ground together and my cheeks flared with heat.

"Well, can you at least tell me who it is?" I muttered, trying to stay as calm as I can. Snape crossed his arms.

"I think the boy in question's thoughts about you are rather obvious, don't you agree, Miss Snape?" he hinted. I had to agree, it was incredibly obvious who my uncle was referring to, but I still felt guilty. I did find him attractive, I could never deny that, but I felt like I shouldn't because of Cedric. I wish I could stop feeling like this. I what Severus was saying was true and Cedric had decided to take Cho to the ball, why should I give a toss about him? "You may go" Snape said at last, allowing me to escape.

I ran hurriedly to hide my tears from him. I could have smacked Cho, I was prepared to smack Cho! I was on the warpath and nothing could stop me. Until I bumped into someone in the corridor. Harry.

"Afternoon, Ray. Have you been crying?" he asked me. I wiped my red eyes quickly.

"What's it to you, Potter?" I spat. Harry looked utterly confused. I'd never spoken to him like that before.

"Is something wrong, Ray? You seem a bit put out" he inferred.

"No, I'm fine. Aah, McGonagall must have told you about the Yule Ball, too. Going to look for Cho, are we?" I questioned, snarling Cho's name as I said it. He nodded, smiling shyly to himself at the thought of her. "Don't bother, she's already got someone". I saw Harry's face fall. He looked how I felt. Beaten.

"Ah, right. Who?" he asked, his eyes starting to shine at the brink of tears. I felt sick to my stomach at the mere thought of his name.

"Cedric. That's who. I rushed past Harry swiftly as I felt tears begin to stream down my face once more.

"Ray, I'm sorry!" he shouted back as I ran from him down to the Dungeons.

The common room was completely empty, as it usually was. Everyone except me had gone to dinner. I couldn't bring myself to eat, nor could I face Zarah, even though I knew she would be wondering where I was. And Cedric would be there. And Cho. No way was I going to dinner. So I sat down in front of the fire and wept silently. How could Cedric do this to me? It was so clear how I felt about him, it had been clear for a long time! I hated him, how could he consciously hurt me in such a way? I felt a burst of resentment through my heart. I had to do something to get it out or I feared that I would seriously hurt the next person who walked in. I stood up as calmly as possible, my fists shaking and walked over to the ancient wooden desk sat proudly behind me. I took out my wand. 

"Waddiwasi" I growled. The desk lifted into the air and hovered there weightlessly.I watched it, then screamed maniacally and cast it into thespitting fire. It burned; it burned until nothing was left except ash and dust.I never thought I belonged in Slytherin, until now. Now I realized the SortingHat's reason for placing me here. I was a resentful and hot-tempered person andonce someone angered me, there was no stopping my rage. It had beenboiling inside me this whole time and it just took a small something to releaseit. I was scared of myself, but I didn't hold back my wrath. I wanted to hurt someone, badly. I wanted tohurt Cho. And a part of me desperately wanted to hurt Cedric, just the way hehad hurt me. He had broken my heart and I wanted to stomp on his. 

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