Part 30

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As we waited anxiously for the return of our champions, everyone chatted excitedly among themselves, but I couldn't settle. I was too panicky and jumped at every sudden sound. I watched Amos chatting quietly with Dumbledore, looking as white as a sheet. I wasn't surprised, that was his son in there. If my only son had gone into that grotesque place...well, I wouldn't allow it! Karkaroff looked wary, but I couldn't imagine him feeling wary for Krum. Krum was thought of as an incredible athlete, but a stupid one. I thought he was a bit of a gentle giant, he seemed kind and quiet, as well as powerful and strong. Fleur, well, she was a lot fiercer than most girls I knew, could put up a fight, but this was a difficult tournament. Life changing, even and she seemed tough enough to soldier through, no matter what the cost. I had to believe that they would all be fine. 

As soon as I thought that, red sparks flew up from the maze, making everyone stand up in fear. Dumbledore looked up, noticing the sparks and almost immediately vanished into thin air. I had no idea how he had managed that, but he appeared one minute later with Fleur, her arm wrapped limply around him. Madame Maxime rushed forward and caught Fleur as she fell into her arms. Fleur was covered in dirt and soil; she looked absolutely petrified and fell weakly onto a chair. Some Beauxbatons' girls rushed to her side, ensuring that she was alright. I had no idea what had happened to her or what she had encountered in that dark labyrinth, but I started to fear for rest of them.

A while later, more red sparks shot up from the maze. I started to panic, it had to be one of the boys, hurt. Out limped Krum, looking beaten and confused, like he didn't know why he had pulled out or what had just happened to him. When Fleur spotted him making his way out the maze, she cowered in her chair. Had Krum been the reason that Fleur pulled out? He couldn't be, could he? Not Krum. 

Now it was just Harry and Cedric left. They had it in them to complete this tournament and win. If they drew, I'm sure no one would mind. I certainly wouldn't. As long as they both returned in one piece, everyone would be happy.

It had been a while since Krum had pulled out and I was more fearful than ever. Zarah had noticed that I hadn't said one word the whole time we had been sat there and she tapped my arm. I turned to look at her.

"Are you alright, Ray? You seem a bit tense" she recognized. I nodded, turning back to observe the maze.

"Do I?" I replied coarsely. She looked slightly hurt, tucking her curly white hair behind her ear. I sighed at myself. I couldn't take my anxiety out on her. "Sorry, Zarah. I'm just..."

"I know, don't worry about it". I smiled at her and she held my hand in hers. "They'll both be fine, you know. Cedric and Harry. They're both winners" she calmed me. I nodded uneasily.

Suddenly, a flash of red and yellow and two bodies lay at the foot of the maze. It was them! They were back! Everyone exploded into a standing ovation and incredible cheering, a marvelous sound. Amos patted Dumbledore on the back triumphantly. They had done it! I stood up, screaming with happiness! I looked down at them both; Harry was shaking terribly, probably with the shock of victory and Cedric lay still on the ground. 

Wait, Harry was crying. I heard someone let out an ear-piercing scream. It was Fleur; she had her hand to her mouth in shock. Something wasn't right. I started making my way down to the entrance of the maze where the pair of them lay. Moody was trying to pull Harry away from Cedric, but he wouldn't move. What on Earth was going on? My heart was racing as I ran down to them. Dumbledore had rushed from the stands too and stood next to the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. He had a concerned look on his face and whispered something urgently to Dumbledore. I tried to push past them but Dumbledore grabbed both my arms, holding me back as I attempted to struggle past him.

"Let me through, sir, please! I want to see them!" I cried. Dumbledore shushed me and strained to hold me still.

"Radia, Radia, please! It's Cedric, he's..." I looked over Dumbledore's shoulder and pushed him away from me. Cedric's deep brown eyes were snapped open, his pink lips parted, his slender body motionless. I bent down next to him and stroked his rosy chiseled cheek. He was still warm, but he was still. He was gone.

My mind warped, the image of Cedric on the ground twisted and turned in my brain. This couldn't be real, it couldn't be happening. I looked around desperately for Harry, my eyes failing to catch up with the quick movements of my body. He was being dragged away from the scene by Moody. Everything slowed down; I felt nothing. No noise, no touch, no smell, nothing. Nothing but Cedric. I felt someone try to pull me from him, but I shoved them away, screaming and crying. I threw myself over his body and sobbed, gripping onto his dirt-ridden t-shirt.

"Cedric! Cedric!" I begged for him to answer, but his answer never came.

"Radia!" I heard someone shout, but I ignored them. I couldn't deal with this; I couldn't stay here while his statue-like, frozen body lay on the ground in front of me. I had to get out of here. 

I stumbled, standing up, gripping onto material of some sort so I didn't fall back down. I could see nothing, everything was in slow motion. My vision was obscure and lifeless. All I could register was my feet, moving beneath my weighted body. I couldn't stop, I had to keep going. Away from where my love lay numb on ground. I felt like I was climbing a mountain, my hands feeling cold metal as I tried to steady myself, but I kept climbing the ceaseless hill, waiting for some sort of confirmation that I had reached the top. My ears were thumping, my head burning with blood. I came to a stop. 

My senses returned to me, I felt the wind blowing on my face, my dark hair falling behind me. I clenched my hands and wiggled my toes inside my shoes, my eyes snapped open. Sky. Dark, cloaked sky lined with bright flickering stars, like candles enclosed inside a coffin. I looked down and I saw wood, sturdy planks of wood holding me high, and beneath the wood, complete obscurity. I was standing on top of the Astronomy tower. The air was bitter and biting up here, sending chills down my spine. Looking out into the endless night, I realized how alone I was. I had nothing to live for anymore. Nothing. My father, my mother and the love of my life, all were gone. No one left to care for anymore. Complete isolation.

No voices, no sounds and I was finally thinking clearly. I was a wizard, there were so many ways I could do this that would makes things easier for me. But I didn't want easy. I wanted quick and meaningful. My hands gripped onto the iron railings in front of me, I slipped off my shoes and left them on the planks of wood beneath my feet. I climbed up so I was standing on top of the bars; I wobbled slightly, but then straightened my shaking arms so I could balance. My bare feet felt cold against the icy metal, the summer breeze nipping at my toes. This was the end. It had come much sooner than I anticipated, but I didn't care. I just wanted to go; I wanted to be with my parents and with Cedric. And now I could be. 

Ileaned forward, fighting my instinct to grip onto the railings for dear life andI let my feet slip away. I was falling, falling into darkness, a straightplummet to a swift ending. As I fell, the wind blowing through my hair, rushingpast my frozen body, I heard someone call my name. Just my name. It was afamiliar voice, one I had grown to know and to love. But I no longer cared. Ilet that person watch me as I died and waited for the gloom to envelop me andfor that final thud of my lifeless body hitting the hard ground to come. Thelast noise of my pathetic life. Then came the darkness. 

I was gone. 

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