Part 23

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Thump. Thump. Thump. That was the sound that was drilling into my brain when I awoke. I felt incredibly nauseous and like my head had been kicked in by ten Hippogriffs wearing hiking boots. I rubbed my temples, trying to massage my head better, but failing miserably, making my head feel like it was about to explode even more so than before. This must have been what a hangover feels like, I thought to myself. Even in the Wizarding World, we knew what hangovers were and if we couldn't deal with them, I didn't know how the muggles could handle it! How could people do this frequently? It was torturous!

"Never again" I murmured out loud, groaning.

"Never again, what?" someone replied. What on Earth? I sat up very slowly, so as not to strain my head and peeked over my bed sheets. Sat on a creaky wooden chair in the corner directly facing my bed, his green and silver tie hung haphazardly around his neck and his cloudy white shirt twice unbuttoned, was a drowsy looking blonde boy with stunning emerald eyes. Draco.

"You!" I sat up suddenly, making my head rush and burn agonizingly. I winced at the pain and pinched the bridge of my nose to restrain it.

"Yeah, you might want to take it easy for a bit" he advised me. I shot him a look of disapproval. Who was he to tell me what to do? I suddenly became very aware of the fact that he was in my dormitory and I was in bed. I checked quickly underneath the covers. "Don't worry, you're fully clothed. I'm not like that" he joked, claiming no response from me other than a deathly glare.

"God, I should have known it was you, you little creep!" I hissed at him. His smile dropped and he looked hurt, vulnerable. I never would have thought of him like that before.

"Harsh" he murmured, staring at the floor, wounded. I instantly felt bad. I knew that was uncalled for. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean that. You actually helped me a great deal last night, thank you. But anything I did or told you, you have to forget because I was completely off my head and it all would have been total rubbish anyway!" I commanded. Draco smirked at me in a boyish way.

"Anything you say, Radia. However, some things are a lot harder to forget than others". He winked at me teasingly. I crossed my dark brows, making my head sting.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, rubbing my forehead. "Meaning?" I questioned. Draco chortled at my short term memory loss and started to make kissing noises at me. I groaned and ducked under my covers in embarrassment. I couldn't believe it was him I had kissed! Oh, God! It was him whom I was talking to about finding him attractive. It was him that made me feel so incredible! Oh, Jesus....he was going to hold this over me forever! "Draco, please don't tell anyone about this?" I begged, still hidden under my duvet. He finished chuckling at my mortification and I heard the chair creak as he stood up, perching himself on the bed next to my legs.

"Of course I won't, Ray. I promised last night that I wouldn't, in case you forgot! And I don't break a promise!" he said. I peered my head over the cover and gave him a patronizing look, causing him to snicker at me. "At least, not to you". I beamed at him sweetly. He was being incredibly kind to me, making me think something was up. This had to be some sort of front, no way was Draco, a Slytherin boy with a terrible reputation, capable of being so warm and gentle with me.

"Sorry, seems as though I did forget" I replied. He chuckled at me, his radiant pink smile imprinting on my hung-over brain. Suddenly, I remembered the rest of the events of last night, just before Draco brought me back to the common room. Me, punching Cho in the face, knocking her down and leaving her there. What had come over me? She'd done nothing wrong and I'd assaulted her! I started to panic, she must have told Cedric or Professor Dumbledore by now. I was surprised I had neither of them knocking furiously at my door. "Has Cho said anything to anyone?" I asked Draco. He shook his head and I breathed a sigh of relief.

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