Part 18

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It was Christmas Eve and Zarah and I were sitting in private study with Professor Sprout in the Great Hall. Harry was there too, on a separate table with Neville. Harry hadn't spoke to me since my outburst in the hallway. I knew that I shouldn't have been so harsh on him; Professor Snape broke the news to me gentler than I broke it to Harry. He really cared for Cho and I hurt him by telling him what happened the way that I did. 

Zarah had been asked to Ball by a Slytherin boy who went by the name of Blaise Zabini. He was a rather intense, quiet boy, a friend of Draco's whom Zarah thought to be very handsome. Of course, she was more than happy to oblige. He was tall, dark skinned and slender with frightful brown eyes that seemed to burn into everything they glanced over. However, he was awfully keen on Zarah, you could tell by the way he looked at her and how he pestered her to spend more time with him ever since he asked her to the dance. 

As far as I knew, Harry and Ron were going with the Patil twins and Neville was taking Ginny Weasley, which surprised me. Hermione hadn't told anyone who she was going with, I assumed this was because she wasn't going with anyone at all. I was still waiting to be asked, although I doubted very much that I would be at all, since the ball was the next day. I wasn't sure if I was going to go at all, seeing Cedric with Cho would just upset me and I didn't want to do that to myself.

I had just finished my Herbology homework when the bell rang for private study to end. Students began to file out the hall, chattering excitedly about the events of tomorrow evening. I followed Zarah out of the hall, who was trying to catch up with Blaise, until I heard someone call out my name.

"Miss Snape, Miss Snape, wait a moment!" I turned around to see Professor Sprout wobbling towards us, stopping a few times to catch her breath. Professor Sprout was a squat, round witch with short grey hair and usually wore green or brown clothes covered in earth. She was a kind, jolly woman but could be severe when need be. She was Cedric's house leader and my Herbology teacher.

"Yes, professor?" I said.

"I was conversing with a young boy in my house this morning, Mr Diggory, and he asked me if I would tell you that he would very much like to meet you in the Owlery straight after your private study session with me. He said it was important I tell you" she informed me. The familiar feeling of excitement and anticipation I felt when I was with Cedric returned, despite the fact I was stupendously angry with him a few days ago and I still was. 

"Oh, right. Should I go now then?" 

"Yes, my dear! Hurry along, now!" she instructed. I looked at Zarah, about to tell her where I was going, but she nodded before I could say a word. I think she realized she would have to get used to me running off all the time. She was with Blaise, anyway and would probably prefer it if I wasn't tagging along with them constantly. I smiled at her, then tore off out of the castle to find Cedric. It was snowing and icy cold outside, I desperately needed my scarf and gloves, but I had no time to grab them, so I had to do with just my thin, blue jacket. 

I had no idea what Cedric wanted to talk to me about, maybe he had changed his mind about the ball and decided to take me instead. I tried not to get my hopes up, but I could not deny my excitement as I ran shivering up the steps to the top of the Owlery. Trying not to slip on the ice patches on the ground, I walked carefully through the archway to see Cedric petting a small white owl as it sat on its perch. He was wrapped up warm in his black and yellow scarf and thick, grey gloves.

"Cedric? Professor Sprout told me you wanted to talk to me?" I said. Once I had grabbed his attention, he turned around to face me, his brown eyes gleaming from the shimmering snow on the roof. Usually when Cedric sees me after a while, he smiles sweetly. Not this time.

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