Chapter 43 - A Crimson Blur

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Xiao Wu and Fu Yin gaped at the sight of the six Sect Protectors. It is known to everybody after all, that the Reverend stage is the peak stage for a cultivator! There are speculation of a realm beyond that, but they are more like myths and legends!

At that moment, they were laying their eyes on existences that were at the very peak of their strength!

"But... I can't see brother Cheng Hao! Shouldn't he be here, somewhere?" Xiao Wu asked. Fu Yin also looked depressed as he shook his head "I also can't sense him at all! Where could he have gone? There are too many people in this crowd!

The boy and the girl had sighed and decided to focus on the show that was about to unravel in front of them. That was of course, until they saw the old man, the Third Protector Lao Jianghu!

"I-It is him!" Fu Yin stuttered. Xiao Wu also gaped and her eyes widened: that old man... Was the gatekeeper, the mysterious Elder Lao!

Xiao Wu's eyes brightened "Could it be... That day?"

Fu Yin also gaped "It can't be right? Brother, that is just too monstrous even for you! To actually catch the eye of a Sect Protector! Or should I say, as to be expected?"

Xiao Wu giggled and picked up a small stone: on it there were some strange symbols. She poured some of her cultivation into the stone and it began glittering. Many people around them were doing the same thing, so not many people noticed them in particular.

Some would be stunned by their age and power, but then they would think stuff like 'They might be geniuses, but those monsters on the plateau are much more talented, why bother with these guys?' And not care about them anymore.

Xiao Wu whispered "Hello, Sister Yan Rui? Yeah, I still haven't grown male genitalia overnight, so don't bother asking. More importantly than that, go wake up Leader and bring everyone to the Arena... Sorry about that, we kind of beat him up. Yeah, I will treat everybody to a meal! Yes, Grudge's End, hurry up! Things are just getting interesting! If what we think is right, then you are in for a treat! What treat? A golden eyed treat!"


Yin Hei nervously chuckled "Ahaha, Third Protector sure knows how to make a good joke!"

Although he looked cheerful, it could be seen that there was uneasiness under that mask of cheerfulness.

Lao Jianghu suddenly frowned and pondered. Everybody grew anxious by seeing his expression of concern as a bad premonition swelled up in their hearts.

"No, actually... Scratch that..."

Everybody sweatdropped when they heard him speak: so it was not true after all... After all for a person such as that to actually appear seemingly out of thin air...

"His person is just too superior for us to compare him to the experts of old. I propose him to become the highest rank in the sect!"

He raised his right arm and pointed to the Central Tower of the Castle. Seeing his actions, Yin Hei, Wu Rou and all the other Protectors paled and gaped together with the crowds.

Finally, they almost fell of their thrones when they heard the following words. Lao Jianghu pointed at the Central Tower, the most important building in the Mysterious Light-Shadow Sect.

"I propose my young friend and disciple to become the Sect Head!"

Yin Hei, Wu Rou and most of the other Protectors's faces reddened and they almost spat out blood.

Mu Gu was the first to recover and cautiously said "Third Protector, what you say is a bit... Over the top..."

Lao Jianghu smiled and simply waved his sleeve. A few bright dots appeared in mid-air and condensed into a few Golden Weapons. They then assembled together like a puzzle and also took the shape of a throne, the only difference being, that this throne was much, much taller than the others were... And that was by quite a lot. From up there, he seemed to look down on everybody present.

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