Chapter 80 - Golden Emperor Sect

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Caul took a sip from his tea cup as his unpleasant expression slowly grew calmer. Worker looked on from the side, pondering on what Caul had told him. The situation was not good, not good at all...

"What's wrong? Why are you so worried? Shouldn't you be happy that bastard is probably going to stay locked in there forever?" Caul asked. He waved his hand and another cup of tea also appeared, hovering in front of the frowning Worker.

"That" The blue-eyed figure sighed "Is the problem. No matter how much I might hate the guy, he is an indispensable pawn in my plan as of now..." Worker grabbed the cup and downed the liquid all in one gulp "Mmm? Tea? Don't you have any alcohol?"

Caul felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart: he, who had originally been a Medicinal Cauldron, of course knew everything needed about all kind of herbs and thus could claim to be able to create the highest quality tea available. However, that tea, fruit of his efforts and one of his greatest achievements, had just been discarded for some alcohol.

"Seriously... During the time you had been His personal cauldron, you should have come to know about quite a few particular parts of his plan..." Worker spoke as he grabbed the gourd full of wine that White Dream had just given him.

"Mmm? Him? You mean..." Caul's expression flickered and then he scoffed "You are still following that guy's foolish demands? Just let it go. It's not like he can do anything as of now. After he went missing..."

"I have found... " Worker muttered, his expression serious "Who I was searching for... Him."


Caul inhaled sharply and he immediately stood up, completely ignoring the shattered cup on the floor. He was trembling and in his eyes was disbelief as well as terror "You... What did you just say?"

A hint of shock flashed across the pair of blue eyes "You still fear him after all these years... Incredible. I guess he really was was powerful and as domineering as they say..."

The cauldron in human form shook his head, gritting his teeth "You cannot understand... He is beyond comprehension! Wether it is Mine, other people's... Even yours.

"However... I do know one thing. Worker, please confirm a theory of mine..." Caul looked at the blue-eyed figure in the eyes "Please tell me. What... 'Blank' are you?"

Beneath the magical blur, Worker's expression flickered. However, even though only his eyes could be seen, Caul took notice of that. Worker looked to the side, as if he was remembering events of a distant past.

"..." Caul looked at the blue eyes with amazement and then sighed in admiration and disbelief "From your expression, it seems I am right. All along you had been only... If you alone are actually this powerful, just what might did He hold?"

The blue eyes suddenly focused once again, as confusion appeared in the pair of pupils "What do you mean? Didn't you witness it first-hand? I mean.. You were his personal cauldron..."

The white-clad youth's eyes flashed with rage and then he gritted his teeth "Oh, I did witness it indeed... However, I cannot remember! That bastard wiped away my memories! Why else would I still be stuck at this stage otherwise!" the youth clenched his fists, the nails biting into the skin.

Worker smiled as his expression warmed up "Don't worry. We have all been abandoned. You, Me..." he looked out of the window "Them..."


"Thanks for your explanation, Caul... I'll be sure to repay you someday!" Worker turned and headed towards the hut's entrance, preparing to leave.

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