Chapter 109 - A Change Of Heart

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Cheng Hao felt the drops of cold sweat condensing on his forehead. He curled his hands into fists and gritted his teeth so hard they made a creaking sound. The fingernails bit into the flesh, blood trickled down the tightly shut lips.

His wide, red eyes focusing in the figure barely visible at the center of the calamity-like occurrence, Cheng Hao felt like a bomb had been set off in his mind as it went blank.

He... He's here! Is this how I came to existence, why I am alive and breathing now? I was actually born from such a calamity? I was born from a spatial rift!

The massive rip in space was so large it blotted out the sky. Lightning crackled and the sky darkened, a powerful suction force pulling all the spiritual energy present in the air into the black hole that was the void beyond the spatial rift.

In the middle of the vortex of spiritual energy was the figure of a person. Around him swirled countless, radiant symbols, each glowing a flashy, colored light.

They seemed to act like some kind of barrier, cutting off the figure inside from the outside world, protecting him from any and all harm. At the same time however, they blocked the view, not allowing Cheng Hao to see what was inside. Not that he would need it, wouldn't he?

However, the pressure emanated from this hole in space itself was such that he was frozen on the spot. Despite it all being an illusion, the fear that the spatial rift gave off was still clear and vivid in his mind! In his head, he couldn't think of anything else other than escaping, running away!

Shit... to think it would be like this, I can't even take a single step forward!

Glaring upwards, his lips contorted in a twisted grin, beads of sweat sliding down his face, all the way down to his chin, before falling on the ground, Cheng Hao cursed at his own impotency!

Ren Hei had also paled, blood trickling down from the sides of his mouth. Gritting his teeth, the burly man holding the earthen greatsword straightened his posture, screaming at the top of his lungs:


Hearing those words, Ren Long and Ren Bai exchanged a quick glance and the woman nodded. She whistled and the black and golden feathered bird immediately let out a loud sqwak. He suddenly grew in size a hundredfold, flapped his wings, now spanning hundreds of feet in length, and grabbed the two lovers with its claws.

He retreated back a few hundred meters before dropping the two Divine Beasts down on the ground. It then turned and flashed, disappearing and reappearing in front of Ren Hei and Cheng Hao. Despite their grudge, the bird didn't hesitate in grabbing the red skinned youth along with the burly man, immediately reappearing hundreds of feet away with a single flap of its powerful wings.

Cheng Hao snapped awake from the shock, induced by the terror instilled by the rift's pressure. He turned around and noticed that the rip in space was slowly mending back together, as if the two end were being sewn together by some sort of invisible hand.

As it shrunk, the figure inside the tornado of swirling symbols also began to fall back into the void... the glowing characters had already been glowing faintly when the vortex had first appeared and had all but weakened in the short period of time following that.

Cheng Hao could only watch as, one after the other, the symbols began to shatter and disperse... the pressure was just too much for the weakened symbols to bear. Then, as the last few symbols were about to crack and fall apart as well...


Gathering the last of their power left, they suddenly exploded!

The bright light forced the red skinned youth, his three siblings and the Golden Sky Lord to look away as soon as the flash of the explosion reached their eyes. Even then, such a short exposure had been enough to blind them temporarily!

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