Chapter 2: John Silverman Bus Driver.

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Jared was never a morning person, he was known to put 2 or 3 alarms to wake up for Saturday morning cartoons and even then he sometimes wouldn't wake until noon. But this morning his alarm was turned off before it even had time to sound. Not because he slept early the night before his first day, but because he hadn't slept at all. Silently Jared showered and changed into the clothes he set out for himself the night before and headed down for breakfast.

His parents were already gone, his Dad had deadlines for the latest super tech and his Mom liked to do a little light patrolling in the morning. She was semi-retired but thought keeping the neighborhood safer was worth losing a little sleep.

After eating a bowl of cereal Jared poured himself a cup of coffee, his parents didn't allow him to drink coffee much but he needed something to help him stay awake and having Emerson lazer him every time he nodded off was out of the question. His cup was washed and put away by the time Emerson showed up.

"You ready to go, Invisiboy?" Emerson asked playfully.

"Born ready, Lazerlad!" Jared answer.

Both the boys began to relax at the idea of Sky High after doing a bit of research. Both of them asked around about people who had similar powers to them, apparently Jared's cousin's friend's sister had invisibility and was made a hero in Power Placement and Emerson heard of at least 4 different people with a variety of eye beams that made hero. With one less worry on their minds they could finally relax. At least a bit.

"Come on, Jare, we should get going. I hear the bus driver is wicked intense."

They hurried out of the house and made it just as the bus pulled into the stop, when they approached Jared noticed a girl running towards the bus stop, Emerson went ahead and sat down. But when Jared entered the bus he turned to the Bus Driver.

"Hey, hold up, Sir", he started, "I think we have one last arrival".

"Son, I am John Silverman: Bus Driver and I decide when the bus leaves not some no-show student".

Just as the Driver went to close the door the girl's foot interjected itself in the opening, stopping it from closing, after a moment of tension the Driver slowly reopened the door and allowed the girl inside. She had short dirty blonde hair with brown eyes, a black t-shirt with a red hoodie and blue jeans: a casual look, but she looked anything but casual, gorgeous was a better word to use. 

Sweat touched her face and she breathed heavy before speaking, "Thank you, Sir, for waiting " without a drip of sarcasm in her voice.

"Thank, Loverboy, over there", he replied as he jerked a thumb back at Jared, "Now grab a seat, Freshmen, John Silverman is never late!"

Jared and the tardy girl barely had time to sit down before the bus took off at a speed that danced with the speed limit. After a moment of silence the girl spoke, "So . . . thanks for making Mr. Silverman wait, I would've hated missing my first day at Sky High".

"Oh, um, yeah you are, like, totally welcome, its my first day too so I get where you're coming from".

"Really? That's great, I mean not great, but well I'm a little shy and have a terrible time talking to people and by extension asking for help but since we're . . you know, already talking maybe it'd be cool if you could help me if and when I need it?" Her voice wavered as her face reddened, probably from the running, as she asked.

"Oh yeah, sure", Jared replied quickly and added, "I'm not sure how much help I'll be but you, um, can count on me".

With a nod from her they both settled into silence for the rest of the ride. "Eleanor. My name is Eleanor Gray by the by", she said quiet. Before Jared could reply he noticed a shift in the atmosphere and looked around to see everyone staring straight ahead, when he turned to look he knew why. The bus was speeding up, approaching 70 miles an hour towards an unfinished bridge!

"Mr. Silverman! Maybe you should stop!?" Jared shouted.

"I think I know when I should stop, Freshy", he shouted back.

Just before the bus made contact with the fence it flattened out allowing the bus to freely ride off the half finished bridge. Within seconds thick and tight belts shot themselves around each student's body securing them in place and the bus began to change, its tires tucking into itself and thrusters bursting from the back of the bus along with wings along its sides. There was a silent second of free-fall when everything seemed weightless, then the thrusters kicked in and the bus shot forward to Sky High.

Most of the bus screamed in excitement or fear but Jared and Eleanor rode quietly, in stunned awe before the boy piped up. "Jared. My name is Jared Brooks".

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