Chapter 11: Class is in Session!

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Jared awoke to the roar of three alarms all sounding at once. He knew three would be needed to wake him from his dead sleep, after quickly getting ready for school he downed a bowl of cereal and sprinted to the bus stop excited for the new day.

"Hey, Em!" greeted Jared as he approached his best friend.

Emerson jumped at Jared's words, "Whoa, sorry I'm just a little nervous about school".

"What? Why, Dude? We already survived the first day!" Replied Jared.

"Maybe. But think about it, we never even got to our classes. What if we get teachers we hate or end up with no friends in the class?"

Jared's own sense of worry began to awaken as he thought more and more about Emerson's words.

"Hey, Guys!"

This time both boys jump at the words. But a quick look showed Eleanor wearing a wide grin along with a yellow blouse, a red cardigan over it and a soft pink skirt.

"Sorry", she said, "I didn't mean to scare you. Oh, the bus is here!"

The trio of friends boarded the bus, two out of three feeling panicked and only one feeling bubbly.

Jared rode the bus deep in thought while trying to pay attention to Eleanor's small talk. In the end she sensed his reluctance and they rode in silence until they arrived.

When the bus arrived at Sky High the students poured out and all headed towards Lavender Vitz as she waved them over.

Lavender was seated in a sort of booth with a stack of papers, a bucket of pens and name tag stickers.

"Alright, Freshman", she started in a pleasant and patient voice, "In order to get your class schedules to all of you before the first bell rings I will need you all to write your names on a name tag and place them on your body in plain view".

Hesitantly each of the students present grabbed a name tag and pen, after a few minutes everyone seemed to have a tag in place.

"Great, now everyone please stand still a moment", announced Lavender.

Suddenly Lavender seemingly flickered as a strong gust of wind blew through the crowd. When it stopped every student had their schedule in their hand.

"There", Lavender started, "Now just follow your schedules and ask for directions if you get lost". Then quickly walked off presumably to her own class. The group was stunned until the bell snapped them into quick form.

Suddenly the group flashed to chaos as everyone rushed to find their class. Jared and Emerson didn't bother to stick together because they knew their classes would be vastly different, instead Jared gave a quick farewell and good luck before he began his search. Emerson, however, was joined by Max and Eleanor while they searched for where they belonged.

Jared walked alone, the weight of being only a sidekick began to feel heavy on his shoulderd.

"Hey, Jared, what class have you got first?"

Jared looked up from his schedule and saw Lily walking beside him. Suddenly the weight lightened and he no longer walked alone.

"Um, History with Ms. Lance", He answered her question.

"Oh, good", replied Lily, "I have her too. I was afraid I'd be stuck in a classroom of strangers. Thanks for saving me from that".

Jared couldn't help but smile at that, "You are welcome".

They both made it into the classroom with seconds before the late bell rang.

The classroom looked surprisingly normal with educational posters and charts spread out on the walls and nearly 30 desks each filled with a student Jared and Lily had seen at Power Placement.

"Please have a seat everyone", said a voice at by the front of the room. The voice belonged to a woman dressed in a green and long, flowery dress.

"My name", she started, "is Ms. Lance, some of you may know me as the heroine known as Beta Lance and some of you may not. I will be your History and English teacher, this first period will be English and sometime later in the day I'll be teaching you history. Any questions?"

A timid hand raised in the back of the classroom, the boy that the hand belonged to did not look familiar to Jared at all. "Yes, Mister?"

"Abadè", answered the boy, "Desmond Abadè".

"Desmond Abadè?" Ms. Lance looked through her clipboard for a moment. "You aren't anywhere on my list, are you sure you have the right class?"

"Oh yes, Ma'am, I'm a late transfer so I doubt I'd be on your list yet. I didn't even make it to power placement yesterday".

"Very well, Desmond, what is your question and for that matter what is your power?"

"Oh well about that... I don't have my powers, that's why I'm a sidekick---".

"Hero support!" Ms. Lance interrupted, after a stunned look from Desmond she continued, "I don't ever want to hear any of my students say the word Sidekick in my class. You are Hero Support. But if it were up to me you'd all be Heroes. I hope I made myself clear. Now, you had a question, Desmond?"

"Oh yes, um why were you called Beta Lance?"

"Oh", Ms. Lance smiled, "I love that question". Ms. Lance raise her hand out and suddenly a flash of light appeared, only the light didn't disappear. This light turned the same shade of green as her dress then began to take shape, soon Ms. Lance had in her hand a green glowing staff.

"Wow!" Exclaimed nearly the whole class.

"My power", explained Ms. Lance, " is to manipulate natural light in the room and make it into a weapon. Mostly I prefer staffs and spears. Hence the name Beta Lance".

Jared was in awe at such an amazing ability, he felt butterflies in his stomach at how lucky he was to have a super powered life.

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