Chapter 14: The Plan

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"Hey, Jared, wait up!", shouted Max.

Jared hesitated thinking he didn't want to be late for class now that lunch had ended but Max was a friend.

"What's up, Max?"

"Well", started Max with a confident smirk, "I figured you would want in on my plan".

"Your plan?"

"That's right, my plan. That little ninja problem Emerson told us about isn't just gonna go away. This guy has to be bad news, and you and I are the solution".

Jared's mouth dropped open. "Max, we just promised Emerson we would do nothing literally five minutes ago!"

"I know, I know but we can't just ignore this. What's that old saying? 'The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good people to do nothing', we are those good people, Jared!"

Jared felt his resolve shifting, he knew he agreed with Max despite his reluctance. "Why do you need me, Max? I'm just a Sidekick, how much help could I be?"

"That's exactly why you should help. Just because some jerk, who thinks gym shorts are fashionable, says you aren't good enough doesn't make it so! And helping stop this dangerous supervillain will show them just that".

That was it for Jared, he had heard enough and wanted in on the plan but needed to make sure of one thing.

"This doesn't come back to bite Emerson on the ass, okay? If we get caught snooping around campus, Emerson's name is never mentioned. We'll lie and say we saw the Ninja ourselves instead of hearing it from my best friend".

Max smiled his pretty boy smile, "Deal! I'll let you in on Operation: Ghost Strike tonight, I'll make sure to get your number from Lily".

With that the boys split off to their classes. Lily soon joined Jared as he walked, "What class are you headed to?"

"Gym, and you?"

"Same. Sit next to me will you? If the class gets boring we can pass notes".
The surprised look on Jared's face made Lily laugh lightly, "I'm just kidding! It's the second day, Jare, I'm not that much of a bad influence. Besides, if we talk too much you might get bored of me".

Before Jared had time to open his mouth and promise to Lily that he'd never get bored of her the duo arrived at their destination.

As soon as they entered the Gym Coach Porter stood near the entrance awaiting her class.

"Alright, Students, firstly I'm calling roll". And with that she began to rattling off name after name.

Jared's attention was caught when he heard the named "Len Murdock" called out. The name sounded familiar, then when Len answered "Present" he saw why. Len Murdock was the guy that had a fight on his first day of school, for an instant Jared flashed with mild anger. Because of Len, Jared had been sent to detention on his first day, but then it subsided. He didn't have the whole story, he couldn't very well assume someone's guilt without at least hearing him out.

"Alright, Students, please follow me down to the Gym's lower level. Today we will be learning and practicing Sky Racing. Please save all questions until after I've explained everything. Thank you, now Students go get changed into your Active Gear".

Without a word the class moved towards the changing rooms, splitting up between the boys and girls.

"I'll meet you back out here. And if we have to partner up, don't even think about picking anyone that isn't me", Lily said jokingly.

As she turned away Lily thought she heard Jared whisper something like sounded like "I wouldn't dream of it", as she walked into the Girl's Locker Room she felt a flutter in her stomach and allowed herself a rare small smile.

The smile and flutter were short lived, as soon as the door closed behind her Lily found herself in a most hated place. The Girl's Locker Room. Normally Lily would have refused to change at all and simply accepted a 0% for the day but this wasn't a Normal school. This was Sky High and anything she was going to learn in gym would be vital to her future career as a Heroine.

So instead of pitching a fit, Lily found a locker to use, took a deep breath, sobered her face and began to change. Lily knew there was nothing wrong with being naked, she knew it was a fact of life but exposing yourself in a place like this was much different than just being naked. Other girls always looked . . . They say they don't but everyone judges. Lily learned to put on a tough girl face when she was younger but she never liked the feeling of being judged, her own insecurities about parts of her body (or lack thereof) were enough, she needed no help feeling underdeveloped.

Near the end Lily allowed herself to look over at her classmates, she saw something she hadn't seen before. The girls were changing just like her but they wore the same eyes she had, they were all just as embarrassed as she was.

This thought almost made her smile, she wasn't the only one feeling how she felt. She wasn't alone, that knowledge made it infinitely more bearable. Maybe someday she would be okay with feeling vulnerable in front of people. Or a person.

Finishing her change she looked down at her "Active Gear".

"These are just normal Gym clothes". Lily remarked, an instant later realizing she had just broken the silence of the room.

"Oh my god, I know!" Said another girl, "I mean couldn't we get something a little better than this? I look like the rejected sidekick of 'Gym Class Man' or something".

That earned a smile from the others. Then the girls each made their way out of the Locker Room back towards the Gym.

When Lily exited the Locker Room she immediately saw Jared in his Gym wear. He had on a red and white sleeveless t-shirt, blue basketball shorts and white running shoes. Well, Lily thought, at least they look cute on him.

"Alright, Students, now that you all are fashionably dressed", Coach Porter started with a good natured smile, "Go ahead and follow me down to the lower levels".

Almost on queue the same circle that rose for Power Placement sank down, extending a staircase that descended down to said "lower levels".

"You Kids are about to learn a little something about saving the day", Coach Porter says as she walked to the stairs.

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