Chapter 3: What the heck is Power Placement!?

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The rest of the ride was far less eventful. Jared and Eleanor managed to have something resembling a normal conversation. Eleanor was apparently new to town, only just moving into Jared's neighborhood a few days ago she was barely able to fill out and file the necessary paperwork to be accepted to Sky High but aside from it being a school for Super powered people she didn't know much else. Her Dad was the one with super powers though he never became a Hero, she always thought it was a waste of a perfectly good gift and so decided to try it out herself in order to make up for her Father. 

Jared felt it was odd that anyone with a decent power didn't want to go into the Super biz, even Super villains had some perks but he supposed it might make sense if Eleanor's Dad had a lame power. For a moment he thought about asking Eleanor what her power was but asking something like that so soon after meeting was probably impolite or something.

The bus landed safely and the students started pouring out, each one of them no doubt excited to begin their training or find the nearest barf bag. Just as some of the kids were beginning to walk off a girl walked up to greet the groups.

"Hello, Freshman, my name is Lavender Vitz and we'd all like to welcome you all to Sky High. Only the best and....".

As she went on speaking Jared couldn't help taking in her appearance, she had long straight hair with bangs, black with a few purple highlights running through it. Her frame was small, if she weren't at the top of the stairs Jared was sure she'd be a few inches shorter than him, she wore a long dark blue skirt and a black blouse.

"And if you follow these simple rules I guarantee you won't fall off the school", she finished with a laugh.

The whole group lightly laughed too except for Jared who was looking around at the group with his newfound fear of falling off the school.

"Now follow me to the Gym for your Power Placement Session"

As the group was lead off by Lavender Jared pulled Emerson back and hurriedly whispered, "Dude, I was totally not paying attention! How do I not fall off the school, I really don't want to end up an invisible splat on the ground?"

"Relax", Emerson started with a smile, " most of the stuff she said was pretty common sense but the headline was NO HORSEPLAYING, apparently the last student that was roughhousing here fell out the window".

"What?! Really!?"

"Yeah, but lucky for him it turned out he inherited both of his parents powers and just flew himself back up, it was kind of a funny story----".

Just then Eleanor approached them with a worried look on her face.
"Sorry to bother you so soon, Jared, but what the heck is Power Placement?"

With a crooked smile Jared took a breath and began explaining as the trio walked on, only a few steps behind the rest of the group.

"Power Placement is when they make you show off your powers and then evaluate whether you would best fit for Hero or Sidekick classes. Its arguably the most important event of our high school careers", then after seeing Eleanor's panicked face he added with a smile, "No pressure".

Before Jared could think of anything else to say the group arrived at the Gym. As the double doors swung open they all stared in awe, the Gym was huge, the floor looked like any other gym but the bleachers were made of some kind of stone. 

A man stood in the Gym, presumably waiting for the group, this man was closer to being a mountain with his size. He towered over the new students in a dark blue business suit, his arms seemed as thick as tree trunks and had scar cut diagonally across his face. When he spoke his voice felt like sandpaper, deep and gruff.

"Welcome to Sky High, I am the school's new principal, Principal Might. You are my first new batch of students so I hope I live up to the expectations of you and your guardians. Let's make this an amazing year full of growth and strength. Now without further ado, Coach Boomer will take things away". Principal Might walked off and left the Gym without so much as a look back.

Another man in what can only be described as gym teacher clothes walked into the center of the gym, on the circular symbol. As the group approached him the symbol rose to become a stage and stairs ejected outwards welcoming all challengers.

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