// 5:00 AM //

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    The rays of light had only just begun to peak over the rooftops. 5:00 in the morning was a dreadful time for most, yet others found it oddly relaxing. As the rising light began to touch the dark sky, it turned from a deep, dusky blue, into a resilient shade of periwinkle. Incandescent emanations of light flowed into Yuuri's bedroom, creating a pastel, spring-type atmosphere, despite the ever present winter blues that were plaguing Japan at this time. His curtains were halfway drawn, causing some areas of the room to be left in the shadows. However, as if the sun had plotted with his curtains to make sure the boy was awake at this ungodly hour, a delicate stream of light had planted itself square onto Yuuri's eyes. Seems as if fate had wanted him awake, for how could it be that the brightest ray of light just happened to appear on his face, illuminating his onyx hair and fair face. 

     Beginning to stir, Yuuri bemoaned at the gleam of light in his face, and rolled to the other side of the bed, facing towards the door. He once more shut his eyes through his dark eyelashes, attempting to ignore the fact that he would in fact need to get up. Unfortunately, his conscience had won, as he sighed and sat up, sheets still wrapped around his legs and covering all the way up to his waist. However, as he sat up, he was unaware that a certain Russian man had been awoken by the very same sun that he had bemoaned just mere seconds before. 

     In the room across from the dark haired boy, stirred a sliver haired man, grumbling at the very same sun that had awoken Yuuri. Viktor had sat on the edge of his bed, both his sheets and hair in complete disarray. He was confident in Yuuri's skating, yet the boy himself was not, making it hard for Viktor to get Yuuri to take a break every once in a while. Now don't be mistaken, Viktor was not keen in letting Yuuri slack off, in fact he was quite the opposite. Yet as it so happened, Viktor had been used to a specific blonde haired figure skater, Yuri Plisetsky, and his smug and pompous ways. Therefore only two weeks into practice with Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor had realized he needed not to goad Yuuri to practice. A trait such as this one was good for the Japanese figure skater to posess, however he had no off switch, which made Viktor ever so worried. Even the best need rest from time to time. 

     Which was why Viktor had a plan.

      Yuuri was still sitting upright in his bed, as he attempted to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes, yet to no avail. He was about to throw the remaining covers off himself when the doorknob turned, and he quickly brought the sheets and blankets up to his chin as he scooted back on his bed until his back hit the wall. He had on nothing but his boxers, causing himself to be slightly self-conscious. However as the door creaked opened, it revealed Viktor himself, also  in nothing but his boxers. Despite this, Yuuri, hell, the whole world knew he wasn't self-conscious! Viktor, still not saying a word, closed the door behind him and leaned his back against the door with his arms crossed, and a side-lipped smirk consuming his lips. Yuuri could barely speak with Viktor around as usual, and now that he was standing in his room, in nothing but a pair of thin, black, boxers, had drawn Yuuri more than speechless. 

"Um...Viktor...what are you doing up?" Yuuri spoke for the first time this morning, causing his words to come out slightly groggy and deeper than usual. 

"I could ask the same of yourself." The Russian man spoke, words tinted by his accent, and such as Yuuri's words were, Viktor's were also husky and rough. "You weren't by any chance going to the Ice Castle, Hmm?"

"Well, um, yes I was just going to for a few..um..." 

     Yuuri's train of thought had been cut, as Viktor had walked over and sat on his knees on top of the ebony haired boy's bed. 

     Viktor's hands were chilled, but warmed at the touch of Yuuri's hands in his own. 

     Yuuri's eyes were sleepy, but brightened as his met with Viktor's. 

    Both their lips were stiff, but melted into each-others, brushing in a gentle, yet somehow passionate kiss. 

     They simultaneously pulled apart, Viktor's head tilted slightly into a half-lidded smile, yet Yuuri's eyes were as wide as the full moon. And as beautiful, according to Viktor. Without another word, for it was blatantly obvious that they were past words, Viktor had pulled him down on the small bed, covering themselves with the blankets. Yuuri lay with his head pressed into Viktor's chest, and Viktor's head tucked into his neck. Legs intertwined, arms wrapped around each other, inhaling each others scent and savoring this wonderful moment. However, as long as Yuuri had dreamed of this moment, his conscience was still plaguing his brain. Opening his eyes he looked to Viktor, who seemed to have fallen asleep. 'God, he looks adorable when he's sleeping.' Yuuri thought. The obsidian haired boy attempted to pry himself from Viktor's grasp, with the intention of heading to the Ice Castle, and getting back before Viktor would wake. It was still dreadfully early, meaning Viktor could stand to sleep for another 3 hours. 

     Unfortunately for Yuuri, Viktor wasn't asleep at all. 

     Yuuri had managed to sit up, however Viktor's arms were still clasped around his midsection, and just as the smaller boy was almost free, Viktor's eyes had snapped open. 

"Going somewhere, my tasty pork cutlet bowl?" Viktor spoke, his voice raising ever so slightly at the end of his sentence, conveying mischief and humor, yet lovingly all the same. 

"Shut up..." Yuuri mumbled, still slightly embarrassed at his nickname. 

"Make me"




     Silence filled the air as Yuuri contemplated his next move. And then, as if Yuuri had procured a bout of confidence that he didn't even know he had, he leaned down. 

"Fine, I will." 

     Yuuri's voice even conveyed confidence, despite how his heart seemed as if it could burst out of his chest at any moment. He placed his knee in-between Viktor's legs and grasped his chiseled jawline, and roughly parted his lips with his own. Viktor was shocked, yet albeit quite loving dominant Yuuri, and after about 3 seconds of shock, he kissed the smaller boy back with the same amount of ferocity that Yuuri did. Whilst Yuuri's hands remained on the taller man's cheek and jaw, Viktor's hands wrapped themselves around Yuuri's waist and pulled him onto his lap. 

     Legs wrapped around Viktor as both their hands became tangled in each others hair, as their kiss became more heated. Although Yuuri had initiated this, his snow colored cheeks still managed to change to a light shade of rose. Yet, the one fatal flaw of kissing, was that eventually one would need to breathe, but neither boy wished to part. Of course when they finally did pull away, their lips only moved apart by about 2 inches as their foreheads rested on each others, both their eyes remained closed and they were both panting, from kissing for slightly too long. 

"Are you still going to leave me and skate for the rest of the day? Even if you do, how could you ever  concentrate knowing that I'm here, in your bed, all alone..."


     Oh what a rhetorical question it was. 

    Yuuri wrapped his arms around the man and buried his face in the crook of his neck, and so help him god the only thing that could ever pry himself from Viktor ever again would have to be the end of the world itself.  

{ Yo its the author here, this kinda sucked, but i was listening to "Intertwined" by Dodie and got kinda inspired to write something like this, i dunno i just need to get these out of my system cuz nobody i know in real life watches YOI :( but if people actually like these i'll be happy to write more! } 

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