\\ Absolutely Smitten \\

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~~~ Inspired by Absolutely Smitten by Dodie Clark, because I literally cannot stop listening to her music ( also in this AU Yuuri won the GPF and is now living in an apartment with Viktor and they are married so, yea ) ~~~


Smell was the first of Viktor's senses to be awoken, despite how bright the sun was glaring into the bedroom. Sliver hair gleamed against the rays as the Russian man groggily raised his head from the pillow, and then abruptly sitting upright as he noticed his coal-haired companion missing from his usual spot on the bed. Well, by spot on the bed he likely meant intertwined in Viktor's arms, cuddling as close as humanly possible. Viktor, still dazed from sleep, turned his head to the mirror that sat in the corner of the room. Taking in his appearance, noticing his bedraggled head of hair and attempting to tame it, however his aim was useless. Sighing, he gave up the futile struggle to calm the mess of his bedhead, and then the very smell that had awoken him wafted once again to the bedroom. Mouth watering and hungry like a wolf, he rolled out of bed and peeked his head out the door of the bedroom, for however hungry he was there was something amiss.

He slipped a T-shirt over his head, leaving him in only his briefs and a thin, grey shirt. As he was doing so, something struck him and he immediately knew what was wrong. There was music playing. To anyone other than Viktor, this music would have seemed normal, but Viktor knew for a fact that Yuuri, for one thing, nearly never listened to his music without his earbuds in. Not only that, but in all this time that the two boys had been living together, Viktor had never known Yuuri to awake before 11:00 on a Sunday, and at this moment the time was 8:22.

Viktor tiptoed down the hallway and peered his head halfway through the open archway leading to their kitchen, and caught a sight that made his heart skip a beat, or two, or ten. No matter how long they had been together, the two never ceased surprising each other.

There Yuuri stood, cooking bacon and eggs in nothing but his boxers, and to top it all off he was dancing. Not full on dancing of course, if he had been dancing here the way he did at the banquet where he had danced with Viktor, surely the bacon would have spilled and grease would have been strewn everywhere. That being said, dancing may not be the completely proper term, but more like swaying with the beat as he held a spatula in one hand, and the handle of the pan with the other.

The kitchen laid as it was, brighter than even the bedroom, for Yuuri hated when the curtains were drawn. Viktor giggled at the sight of the coal-haired boy, however not loud enough for him to hear, for he wanted to watch Yuuri 'dance' more. As Yuuri bopped along to the song, which Viktor had now identified as Absolutely Smitten, the boy once again began to do something that surprised Viktor in a way that made his heart stop completely, but in the best way possible. Yuuri, the shy, cute, pork-cutlet bowl loving boy from Japan began singing along. Singing as he turned the stove off as he turned around with the pan, and plated the bacon as he sang:

She knows this feeling all too well,

She feels her heart begin to swell,

Handsome stranger, you have made her insides turn to jelly.

She wants to dance around the room,

Kiss you until your lips turn blue,

But handsome stranger ,

You have made her wonder... Is she pretty?

And its too late,

She believes in fate,

She's absolutely smitten,

She'll never let you go.

At this point Viktor couldn't keep himself restrained to the doorway, stepped through the doorway with the cheekiest grin plastered to his blushing face. As for Yuuri, he had his back to Viktor, unaware of the silver-haired man shuffling across the kitchen. Yet as he walked, he found himself shimmying along to the beat as well. Viktor couldn't see the smaller boy's face, as his back was turned, but he could feel him jump in surprise as Viktor laced his arms around Yuuri's waist.

"V-Viktor?? What are you-h How long you been here?"

Chuckling at how nervous Yuuri still got around him, despite that they had been married for a while already, he leaned his forehead against Yuuri's shoulder, near the crook of his neck.

"Just long enough to catch your wonderful performance, you should sing more..."

By this point, Viktor had begun trailing benevolent kisses along Yuuri's neck, who despite his outward embarrassment had sufficiently melted into Viktor's arms. He was forced to steady himself, resting his hand on the counter, for he was sure Viktor's soft kisses would bring him to his knees. However this didn't go unnoticed by Viktor, and he reached around Yuuri and took his hand in the other boy's. And then swiftly twirled him around, taking Yuuri quite by surprise. The taller man then grasped Yuuri's other hand and pulled him against his chest, leaving their chests pressed together, Viktor's eyes staring down at Yuuri's, and Yuuri melted under his gaze for the trillionth time since he met this man. This wonderful, wonderful man.

They suddenly broke out in laughter as they realized not only that the music had ended, but the forgotten bacon was now cold.


{ Yo bruhs, sorry this one was shorter, but my friend keeps sending me all these "OTP Writing Prompts" and im actually getting some ideas for once, however if anyone wants me to write anything I will happily take requests! Hope this didn't suck too much. And ya girl Mae is out, later! }

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