\\ The Prince and the Knight {Part 2} \\

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I did not expect a reaction like that to the last one so here's a lil thank you all for reading and i hope you enjoy! {Also holy fucking hell 2k reads what the shit??!! Thank you all sosososo much!!}

     Two months had come and gone.

     It had been 6 days since Viktor was supposed to return, the Prince had been anxious, yet made a good attempt at keeping is calm. However by the dawn of the 7th day, he knew immediately. He was awoken early that morning by cold wind gusting through the window. Yet the chill that ran along his spine was unrelated, he knew the Knight still hadn't returned. His room had a view of the stables, and the place where his horse typically resided was still unoccupied. Upon seeing that he despondently rolled over, seeming to seep deeper into the sheets and disappearing among the warm wool blanket covering the bed. 

     He stayed in bed the entire rest of the day, finding only solace in sleep, and it wasn't until the next morning that he decided, as he arose to see the stable still empty. He felt so useless, just sitting there, it was clear by this point that something had gone wrong. Throwing caution to the wind, he grabbed a satchel and swiftly made his way to the palace's kitchen, snatching enough food for about 2 weeks. He then made his way around to the armory, and despite the nearly hundreds of weapons scattered through, he knew exactly which one he would take. There was a small hatch in the floor, in no need of a lock as it was very well concealed, leaving the Prince and his parents the only three aware of it. Creeping down the ladder, trying his damnedest not to make a squeak. At the bottom lay a small room, no bigger than six by six feet, and on the wall lay a sword. 

     They call it 'The Echo', although his father had never told him why, only that if ever came the day when he would need to fight, or protect himself or others, to take it. The sword itself was made of pure poudretteite, with an ornate hilt crafted of obsidian. Taking a moment to admire it, he then snapped out of his daze and grabbed it. Sheathing it into its scabbard made to match the hilt, obsidian. 

     No footsteps could be heard as he made his way back to his room, he made sure of that. He figured if his father knew he would steadfastly object, yet, that night, only moments before Yuuri was set to leave (by sneaking out his window, of course), his father knocked on his door. However he was the King, so instead of waiting for him to reply, he simply barged through the door. This left no time for the Prince to put away his sword or bag, leaving all the evidence of his soon to be journey in plain sight. 

"F-Father I-", the Prince began to stutter, however the King cut him off. 

"Yuuri, please sit." His voice seeming distant. 

     The Prince sat as his father remained standing in front of himself, Yuuri  expected his father to scold him, to yell and say things along the lines of "how could you be so foolish? To endanger yourself, to put your life at such a risk?" But instead, he spoke nothing of the sort. 

"So, I see you found Echo, that must mean you're going to find Viktor, right? Look, you're old enough to make your own decisions , so I wont try and stop you. But if I'm being perfectly honest? I don't think I want to stop you." At this Yuuri looked up, as his father continued to speak. "You love him. I told you long ago that a day would come where you would need to protect yourself or the people you love.....or both. It would be a waste to just let that sword sit in the dark when there is no better day than today to put it to use. Just promise me one thing.....be careful please. You're the only son I've got."

     Yuuri nodded, sighed in relief, and smiled. The King wrapped the Prince in a tight hug, worrying Yuuri just a smidgen, as it wasn't a hug of good luck, or a hug of I love you......

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